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Everything posted by ascender

  1. ascender

    The Billy Boys

    But we all know that not everyone would sing the new words. That's the problem, as a lot of fans would see it as their right to sing the old words which got us in trouble in the first place. We've shown time and time again that we can't self-police this problem and help ourselves out.
  2. Unfortunately we've been through all this before and a large group of fans didn't take any heed then, so they won't take any heed now. Like I said last time, I'm fed up to the back teeth about this whole nonsense. We can moan all we like about press bias, but they don't even need to try hard, we just keep giving them the negative stories on a plate. And as for the constant line "what about Celtic's fans and their behaviour?", that's just missing the point completely.
  3. Even if that means sanctions against the club and shooting ourselves in the foot from a media and PR point of view? We were warned last season that if we carry on, UEFA will hit us hard, so I'm assuming you won't be bothered if they do? Its a complex argument and I don't think anyone will argue that political correctness has gone too far in society, but where's the problem in just singing a different song?
  4. Anyone who has read or taken part in this sort of debate in other online Gers forums will know that there is not a minority, but actually a large amount of Gers fans who will never give up any of the behaviour which might get us in trouble as they see it as their right to be able to sing whatever they want. I was a bit surprised at just how vociferously some people believe this and how they view other Gers fans who think we should stop all this nonsense now. Yes there's been some progress made, but until DM takes a very, very strong line, we're fighting a losing battle.
  5. Unbelievable. Not much more you can say really, is there? This story seems to be gathering momentum so its not going away, far from it. As for the above, it would have surfaced sooner or later.
  6. I'm sure they'll complain firstly about the sending-off as that was no doubt from a ref who's been bought off by the OF. No mention of the opponent also being sent off though I guess. Shocking result for them and they've now got a real fight on their hands to finish 3rd, when a few weeks back they were hoping to finish second. The start of last season under Burley gave them a real chance to capitalise on how bad we were and maybe even challenge for the title, but since Burley left, they seem to have done everything possible to wreck the good work he did.
  7. Just where is this all going to end? Been offline for a bit and the story seems to be growing arms and legs. You know, its really not looking good for us and I can't believe the reaction of some of, well, most of, our media.
  8. In this age with forums, its pretty obvious that certain fans will try to wind us up, but who gives a fvck, its just pathetic if we rise to it. The writing was on the wall when the Billy Boys was banned and anyone with half a brain cell can see the way UEFA and FIFA want football to go, but some people just don't want to see the bigger picture. Does it really matter what songs we sing as long as we make a noise and a great atmosphere? Unfortunately to many it does and it looks like things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better at this rate. Yet again, we need strong leadership from the top to let us know exactly where the club stands and where we as fans stand. It might also be time for the club to lay down the law as yet again, we've pissed away a chance to police a problem ourself, so can we really complain about any actions against us which come next?
  9. Hints today from UEFA that we'll face sanctions. Whether we do or not, its only a matter of time. We can't go on like this, whether the "hardcore" fans like it or not, we have to act and change certain things.
  10. I too think he's finished unfortunately. I'd love to see him added to our coaching staff though.
  11. OK, so we might have scored more goals in Europe with PLG in charge, but he was using the same players as WS has. We also looked much more frail at the back under PLG, but WS has addressed that. The players yet again need to stand up and be counted. Remember that many of these players are the same ones who have underperformed and also undermined, the last two managers. We need big changes in the summer to the core of our team.
  12. ascender


    I thought Novo's contract was up next summer, not this year? I don't think there's any doubting that PLG is a talented manager as his record speaks for itself. However, I think he and many of his signings underestimated Scottish football. We'll never know what his long term vision for the club was and if he had any chance of making it happen.
  13. That's pretty much what I'd assumed Frankie, surely WS would play him if he was fit enough?
  14. I'd be happy with that team if Prso isn't fit. My only concern would be Sebo. he did well against Celtic, but never actually looked like scoring or doing anything decisive. For that reason I'd be temped to start with Prso and Boyd up front. Yes, I know Boyd is lazy, but he scores goals, something which Prso, Novo and Sebo would do well to take heed of. In a 4-4-2 his inclusion wouldn't upset the way the team plays and if he gets to play with the same striker for a few games in a row, they might both improve.
  15. WS has to lay it on the line to DM about just how bad the current squad is. I think he's moved to strengthen the base of the squad in terms of young players, but we need to spend decent money and get a few players who are a clear class above what we have at the moment.
  16. ascender


    Nothing much has changed then, from last season and from when PLG left. Apart from the fact we're actually winning games in the SPL again and not leaking lots of really soft goals. WS was limited in his rebuilding thanks to the transfer window. When he took over I said I'd be happy if we could get 2nd place which wasn't looking as comfortable under PLG as it is now. So on one hand I'm happy. Re the UEFA Cup, its disappointing to see us playing so negatively, but the flip side is that the squad is very thin just now, so his options were limited. We also don't know how unfit Prso is and what he's been saying to WS about playing from the start or not. Its also a bit strange on here that we've people saying we should be playing a 4-4-2 (I'm on of them btw) but who on the other hand slag off half the players who would be starting candidates. Either we accept that Walter is working with a very limited squad of average players, or we don't. We can't have it both ways. Yes these players aren't good enough, but we can't do anything about it until the summer. As for Europe, we didn't complain about the 4-5-1 when it worked. Its obviously backfired since then, but at the same time, he dropped Boyd and brought in Sebo which most people on here were delighted with. Prso's fitness is a doubt and Novo has been playing well as a winger. Much better than our wingers have been in fact. So I can see why the 4-5-1 starts to make sense. But then what was the point in playing Fergie off the striker, which worked against Tel Aviv, when things were going his way, but then when things were against us, he ends up coming deep. Which was exactly the problem under PLG. WS showed with Scotland that he has improved as a manager in Europe. Not sure how anyone can disupte that? As Gers manager, we need to wait until next season to see how things pan out. I know we were unbeaten in Europe for a while, but we were hardly looking invincible. It was almost like under AM where the European results were papering over the cracks. Besides, you could have played Prso, Sebo, Novo & Boyd up front last night in a 4-2-4 formation. I'd put good money on us still not being able to score as the service they've been getting all season has been pretty crappy.
  17. Yet again Hemdani impressed me with his skill and composure on the ball. He really is a top quality player, but we just don't seem to know how to get the most out of him. I've said all season that we should be playing a midfield system built around him, to suit his style of play, but we seem intent on stifling him.
  18. OK, 4-5-1 wasn't what we wanted to see, but did he have much choice? Prso can't last 90 minutes. Boyd is a waste of time and space in Europe according to many. Sebo at least runs his heart out, but so far, doesn't look like actually scoring. Novo lacks composure and seems to be better used out wide where he can beat players and cut inside, something which our winger doesn't seem to do that often. We had a good run in Europe but I think we just have to accept that this season is over and all we really need WS to do is to get 2nd place. Anyway, his tactics against Tel Aviv were never questioned as we won. The same tactics failed last time out because the players never turned up. Look around our squad just now, we really don't have many quality players at all, for any formation, let alone a 4-5-1.
  19. Problem is, can we afford or attract players who are definitely Rangers class any more? To be honest, going on comments from mates I know who support other clubs, I don't think any of those 4 are necessarily "better" than each other as they all seem to blow hot and cold from week to week. But at least 3 of them are very young, that's a massive step in the right direction. We badly need a couple of very experienced players to come in and improve the midfield and forwards in the same way that Weir has done at the back.
  20. I thought Stein was offered one and refused when he was alive?
  21. ascender


    TBH I'm sure Prso is having as much say in whether he plays or not and for how long. I'm wondering if his injury is worse than he's been letting on as I see no other reason for him playing such a little part over the past few weeks. If that's the case, I still think he needs to start against Osasuna. The result over Celtic was a huge step towards second place, so this is now our biggest game left this season.
  22. Good news at last and I always forget how young he is. BTW, who actually signed Webster? Was it a DM signing a la Hendry, did Smith identify him while still being Scotland manager, or was he one of the guys identified by the scouting network who was on the list of Scottish talent which PLG allegedly binned?
  23. I'm assuming he's competition/cover for McGregor. As for the other guys like McDonald, Gow and Broadfoot, I'm pleased and optimistic. Can they be any worse than some of the players to have played for us in recent years? No. Could they be any better? Definitely. At least they're young and have potential, so let's give them our full support. Remember that until there is change at the top of the club, WS is working with very limited funds.
  24. Are we getting near election time by any chance? Clicky
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