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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I can kind of see both schools of thought on this one. But it might have been a good opportunity to show that we can play over there and cut out the negative stuff once and for all.
  2. Liverpool were always going to put out a second string team, but with the way Fulham have been playing, even that wasn't a guarantee of anything. I think Wigan will go down and that'll open up the can of worms in the courts. I don't think it will change the league standings either. By the way, what's actually changed with the ownership of the two players anyway? Are they not still ineligible for the Hammers and 'Pool or is it fine now because they've actually come clean about who owns them?
  3. ascender


    It was a crap effort to save it, but great technique to get the shot on target from Boyd. Sebo had a couple of great chances but his finishing let him down yet again. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Sebo in the summer.
  4. I think the thing with Celtic though is that they've been playing crap for weeks now and have only just wrapped up the title. That to me is a bit different from actually winning it and then playing poorly as we've all seen from Rangers on more than one occasion.
  5. There's a surprise. They must be the biggest underachievers in the history of football if you add up what they've spent against silverware won. Sam Allardyce for the job anyone?
  6. Oops, should have said, it was The Sunday Times I was talking about.
  7. Does anyone know if the SPL and EPL matches will be shown as part of the same subscription package so for one fee you get English and Scottish matches?
  8. Some good stuff in the Times today as well.
  9. How about Michael Ball? Assault on Ronaldo, then brings him down for the pen and then wins a pen when he runs in to Brown and goes down as if he's been shot. I did have a wry smile when I heard City had been awarded a late penalty but that they'd missed it. Great result for Fulham and its amazing to see how West Ham have turned things round. Only problem is that it could all get very messy in the courts if they stay up.
  10. At times this season its been absolute pish and even verging on the unwatchable. So imagine my surprise today when I turned over and the picture quality was excellent. I'd thought about cancelling my subscription for next year, but if they can keep this up then I'll reconsider. Obviously it would be great if they started broadcasting in HD, but I can't see it somehow. Yet another reason we shouldn't have told Sky to get stuffed.
  11. Looks like UEFA are saying he basically walked out on his club, loophole or not, without giving appropriate notice.
  12. And a two game ban for the start of next season. Not so good.
  13. That's pretty much as expected, hopefully a deal can be sorted for him to join us pretty soon.
  14. Taken from the official site: Views? I have to say I don't know much about him other than recognising his name from playing too much Championship Manager.
  15. �£8,280 fine, which the Beeb understands is for sectarian singing while Osasuna are fined �£31,000. Clicky
  16. I posted this in the rumours thread but the cabbie who took me to work today is convinced that Smith will be signing in the summer. Its been a rumour from Auchenhowie for months now.
  17. Today's cabbie gossip was: 1. Alan Smith will be signing. That's been a rumour since the start of the season apparently, coming out of Auchenhowie via someone's dad. 2. Scott Brown would have signed on deadline day if Hibs hadn't beaten St Johnstone. He still wants to come as he's a bluenose, has verbally agreed to join, but also wants to play in the Premiership. Real Radio are reporting that Advocaat is interested in signing Novo who has 12 months left on his contract.
  18. Lol! :fish: I don't think we stand a chance of getting guys like that now unless they really want to come to Ibrox as they've been supporters or something and have maybe done all they wanted to with their current club.
  19. Can't see Smith leaving Man Yoo just as he's broken back in to the first team. I'm sure there'd be lots of other clubs in for him if he was going to leave anyway.
  20. I agree it looks good on paper Frankie, but 9 times out of 10, Fergie ends up playing deeper than anyone. This isn't meant to kick off in to another debate about Fergie, but we look very negative when the three of them play. Unless Fergie plays in a more advanced position and sticks to it, its kind of pointless. Do we need 2 holding midfielders in the SPL? Was that not one of the main criticisms about PLG's team selection? Would we not then miss a naturally left sided midfielder?
  21. Good news, but its hard to see where he'll play unless there's more injuries next year. I'd like to see him out on loan if he's not going to be playing regularly. Just assuming the first choice will be Weir and Webster.
  22. Good news. I think we need someone in the team like him, but I have a real problem when we play him, Fergie and Thomson. I'd only be playing one of those 3 in my first 11 if we sign a more attacking midfielder.
  23. Assuming we sign Webster, I can see him and Weir being the main men at the back next season, so it might come down to whether Ehiogu is happy at being on the bench. I have to say I've been a bit disappointed by him, he seems very slow and uncomfortable with the ball at his feet. He seems to struggle with simple passes as well which is just bizarre in this day and age.
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