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Everything posted by otis

  1. Good news for next season, hopefully he continues to improve.
  2. Can anyone tell me what could happen to the club if the Police find a case against Wallace or the Board and it goes to court?
  3. Moving to another country is a non starter, just more hot air from Charlie. Sometimes i wish he'd tone it down a bit, this is far from ideal but we've just got to get on with it.
  4. Haven't seen much of Hemmings but plenty of speculation that he's got the talent. If he can use this loan spell to get games and stay fit then there's never been a better time to get into the team.
  5. Nice to see karma giving the bigot a kick up the backside.
  6. Not the usual dignified silence that we've been used too, hard hitting stuff from Traynor.
  7. It would be nice to get him signed up on a new contract even if it's only a year with the option to extend it once we get a new owner in.
  8. They got a great reception from the fans yesterday and looked as if they were loving every minute of it. Well done Rangers and all involved.
  9. I've only ever been in the wrong end at Rugby Park with no real problems apart from a few Killie fans taking the huff at bears celebrating goals, i doubt i'd ever try it at Timmy Towers or sheepyville though.
  10. Well done big Kirk lets hope that he continues to improve his game.
  11. Would be nice if they did.
  12. otis


    I thought Hemdani made a few great tackles around the box when they had a good chance of scoring and broke up play pretty well.
  13. otis

    Dick Advocaat

    Nice quote, always liked Advocaat and football we palyed under him, can't see him getting the better of Walter though.
  14. A few weeks ago i'd have said SPL but now we're just 90 minutes (maybe 120) away from the winning the Uefa cup - a first for me and many other bears.
  15. otis

    King Carlos

    Cuellar was otustanding on thursady night he won everything that came in to the box. No matter what we're offered for him we have to keep Carlos and build the team around him.
  16. Was it Mcmanus that was all over him? I think ref bottled it big time there,
  17. No with 11 men on the pitch i believe we'd have took a point if not all 3 though i understand and accept why did it and it nearly paid off.
  18. The SPL for me with the champions going straight in to the CL next season i think it's must. Ofcourse i'd love to see us lift the Uefa cup too.
  19. Ican see Well getting a result here and us sneaking a 1 - 0 win at CP similar to the game when Rod Wallace scored at CP in the last few minutes.
  20. This is crazy but we'll do it
  21. Bahhhhhh:(
  22. According to the People it's �£12 Million. If any bid comes in around �£10 Million i think we'll sell though i'd like to see him and the team built around him and Carlos.
  23. otis

    Steve Davis

    I'd love to see him stay but i can't see us going above �£4 Million.
  24. If Whittaker can keep this form up then i don't see why he can't be a regular in the Scotland squad. Outstanding yesterday and his took both his goals really well.
  25. Talking shite is what i'm good at, esp after a few beers
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