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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. well done the Tottingham... but we all know it's Chelsea's league
  2. so much for the 'celtc revolution' we heard so much about at the start of the season...
  3. He'll probably still play against Stuttgart but he really has to go come January...mind you, who'll take him considering he'll be playing for algeria for most of the month
  4. Sorry Macafelly...cant agree with you. If you do Henry, where does the referee figure in all this? Does he get done too? Does this mean anyone who handles the ball will be bringing the game into disrepute? IMO, the only thing that can come out of this is introducing refs watching the game on TV screens and having a call on iffy decisions...is that the road we are going to go down? maybe it'd be for the best
  5. There's some right pathetic bastards out there...
  6. Yes for me...and for every Ferguson hater...tell me what you did when he equalised against the Italians in the EC qualifiers
  7. A split second decision whilst his team is one nil down...who wouldn't have done the same? ...and the nonsense is what the media in general have made of this 'ban Henry' 'replay the game'...all a bit OTT
  8. there's a lot of nonsense talked about this... Henry didn't give the goal...the ref did and any supporter that hasn't cheered a dodgy goal given to their own team is either deluded or a liar. I dont think it was an act of stupidity...he made the chance for the goal that got his team to the world cup....defied the ref to give the foul and got the goal...not nice when it happens to your team and esp. in a WC qualifier but we took it in 1978 Henry does have previous but the coverage of this is way over the top
  9. Generic indie rock.... I love it! the bass player obviously learned to play from the sid vicious 'how to play bass' book tho:-P
  10. I'd have Souness but i doubt the SFA would have him. I'd like to go for a foriegn manager again...just because Vogts was a failure doesn't mean we have to stay with the usual Scottish suspects.
  11. What's strange about it? It's hardly the first time a celtc supporter has ran on to the pitch.... 'and brushed his hand off the head of Dida' lol....that's a belter, Tom...what was he doing then? offering an affectionate 'there there'
  12. thanks craig...good to be back
  13. cheers Frankie
  14. Hello all, Not posted in a good long while but I thought after Gersnet's kind invitation to come back, why not...anyway hey ho... First thing that i thought I'd vent my spleen about was the ad i saw in today's Herald ( I know, I know but i like the crossword) for the new volume of celtc minded 'essays'...the ad leads with 'if you're Irish...' and then blethers a whole load of paranoid nonsense about the famine song....peddling the usual rubbish about anti-irishness and 'the damage this does to positive ethnic as well as religious relations' tiresome, absolutely tiresome! The inference that celtc are the Irish diaspora's team does not suggest as the ad tell's us that the Irish migrant's have assimilated well into Scottish society if they have only supported one team or 'social and cultural institution' as it is put. The celtc's support's anti-Britishness was there for all to see last week at Falkirk...so it's not quite the one way street these apologists would have us believe. As ever, that Scotland has a racist, anti-Irish culture that is only challenged in the pages of CM is deluded arrogance that propagates an out and out lie....to anyone who geniunely believes that about Scotland...2 words....catholic schools...if we have such a sectarian culture, why are the RC church allowed to have their own education system?...one which they are fiercely protective of...surely we would have never allowed such an expression of religious freedom if we were so bigotted! CM3 is basically the celtc view for the over educated and should be regarded as an irrelevance....unfortunately, the faux outrage peddled throughout will only go to fuel the bar room bigots who would have us as evil proddie oppressors to their jolly RC good guys... The fact that these people feel the need to publish such a manifesto suggests a victim mentality beyond reason...would we have a Rangers Minded? nope! not needed...I'm quite happy to define myself beyond my unswerving loyalty to my club and God help us if we all thought the same way anyway.... And we all know the famine song is just another dig at the plastic paddies but it has been seized gratefully by those who have their noses finely attuned for the slightest whiff of offence...it isnt sung by the Rangers support (mainly) now so we've moved on...can they? So, now off to watch that representation of evil aparthied that is the Scottish national football team....if the devil has all the best tunes...couldn't he have given us a few decent football players? MSB
  15. I'd like to see McFadden at Ibrox...but i think he'll go to celtc
  16. thanx pete
  17. my thoughts on manchester... firstly, leaving renfrew about half 6 on tuesday and driving down the motorway was great...every bridge seemed to have fans waving and cheering us along...every car/ bus/ lorry had Rangers colours on display and we felt that we were part of something really special as we headed down the road...it was truly magical... day of the game...again, incredible...god knows how many Rangers fans were in manchester...couldnt get thru on mobiles...fans everywhere...my group assembled at albert square just behind the inverary loyal banner....we were drinking, singing and bumping into old friends...the sun was shining and we were having a party...the people of manchester were generally in awe of the masses assembled and no hint of trouble..we went to get more beer and walked down past piccadilly to the aldi's...and again, just amazing to behold...aldi's was packed full of fans and we all started a bouncy..i remember thinking, as i looked up at the big clock at the square, that the game was hours away and the party was in full swing....we saw gordon durie who'd came down to chat to the fans and get some pics taken... by the time the game started, we'd stopped drinking as we were all aware of the magnitude of the game and wanted to take in every moment...the russians seemed to have more of the ball...used to that...but the first half came and went in a flash...into the second half...Rangers having more of the play...then they scored..which was always going to be pivotal...first goal is always crucial in these games...and when nacho missed with seconds to go..i thought..'thats it!' and went for a slash...have to say it was at a wall behind the square..but that just semed the only place to go...i didnt know they'd scored again.... after the game, i walked along to piccadilly station and met my mate who was at the game and that was the first time i heard there had been trouble..he was telling me about the car that had been smashed and how some woman driver had been terrorised by some fans who had attacked her motor...the station was reminiscent of the last days of saigon with fans everywhere trying to get on trains that just werent coming...we were held up for what seemed like ages before realising that the trains werent coming and heading back into the streets...that was when i first caught sight of what was happening with riot police everywhere and police vans speeding past us...we walked for a while..shook the hands of some zenit fans...told them well done and luckily enough got a taxi back to bolton which skinned us �£50... Got up the next day to be shocked by the extent of the rioting and the sad news that tommy burns had passed away...then drove home. now after the dust has settled...i'm truly disgusted by some of the images caught on camera and these morons have ruined the good name of Rangers FC...sadly, there was an inevitability about it though...we just seem to attract these idiots...scottish, english whatever...does it matter? they ruined what should have been a great occasion for us and now we're on the back foot again...with every Rangers hater and others having a pop...smug tims who couldnt wait for it to happen and self righteous journalists telling us how ashamed they were to be scottish...it sickens me to the core....the best part of 200,000 fans descended upon that city and this is what we get...the greatest travelling army of fans..EVER!...we support a club like no other..but unfortunately, we have a lunatic fringe that rears its ugly head every time we threaten to make news on the world stage...there's no doubt manchester got it wrong on crucial things...only one screen at piccadilly? no trains out? police only too quick to go on the offensive..but the sad fact is that these wankers in Rangers colours have besmirched our great name...as one guy said...they dont deserve to wear the colours of the Rangers....the real fans wore them with pride and distinction throughout this euro campaign.... my heart is heavy...but there's a league to win....and hopefully we can claim back the real Rangers.... God bless the Rangers We are the people!
  18. RIP Tommy Burns
  19. I think there's some law where they can stop you if your travelling to a same day sporting event and you have alcohol ( buses/ cars )....common sense has to apply here...the Rangers supporters are going to be there en masse...they have to deal with it and not try and stop us
  20. Yep! got relatives in Bolton and billeting there on tuesday before heading into manchester on wednesday for the biggest Rangers party the world has ever seen...i dont mean to be bullish...but try stopping us. David Edgar summed it up well when he said manchester should choose between what they want to happen and what will happen...too many people are already booked...if the manchester police want to stand king canute-like trying to turn the tide back...they are making life difficult not only for us but for themselves....open up a big park, put screens up and we'll all go there...minimum fuss... i really hope this is all resolved soon...because big screen as Ibrox aint doing it for me...
  21. I go with that...Broadfoot came of age as a Ger....just learn to take a throw in properly, kirk...
  22. Arise Sir Walter!
  23. ya fuckin dancer!!!!!!....ya fuckin dancer!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Got to love OF day...you wake up and its the first thing on your mind. The big games keep coming thick and fast and this bear cant get enough of it...the footie that is... my only prediction for today is that i'll be fu' by 5 o'clock...
  25. yes well done Walter....it'l be interesting to see how liewell responds if at all and also as one of his fellow directors, eric riley is on the SPL board...doesnt that compromise 'sporting integrity'? the guy would obviously vote for whatever celtc want...and, as an aside, make sure any game where 9 of their players are booked is overlooked
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