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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. Fantastic...got to love African football!! great going forward..... cant defend for shit..
  2. Great idea! Count me in ...i'll be there
  3. Just watched it too....Scot Symon was in tears after losing to Bayern. I was nearly in tears watching it. Why sell your 2 strikers and not replace them? we play bayern off the park in germany but lose....hard to take esp. after lisbon.
  4. sounds like the pressure is getting to MOPE-bray
  5. Greegs clearly never saw fortune coming at him...but contact was made and he was blocked from getting the ball. A foul, end of
  6. Let's cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of war.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4tIrjBDkk]YouTube- Al Pacino's Inspirational Speech[/ame]
  7. very altruistic... yeah...I suppose your right, it shouldn't affect how he referee's the game. However, it does leave him open to accusation should a controversial decision decide the game...
  8. Don't know if this has been posted before...but I just found out that OF game referee has a nephew on celtc's books (ryan conroy). Now, I'm not one for conspiracies...much...but I just wonder how neutral this referee is and indeed, how the great unwashed would be if the ref's nephew was on our books...I'm just being paranoid aren't I?
  9. the witterings of the deluded...comedy gold!
  10. yeah...7-1 you fucking arsehole!
  11. 26 goals to cheer..it has indeed been a good month
  12. Loving the Boydy...
  13. who the fucking hell is larssen when boydy goes marchin on..
  14. Quite right as well...a ridiculous decision!
  15. Excellent... We ARE the People!
  16. They do this sort of thing everytime...always the vicTIMs...does mowbray think mcgeady is above the law on a football field?God help the ref that books mcgeady before the OF game
  17. I dont think he's a Rangers hater...he'd take the Rangers job if offered. As for the Scotland job... he doesn't fill me with confidence that he can raise the team to level of performance required
  18. ...and it's eagerly seized upon by dhimothy as they make us out to be the bad guys...
  19. Bhoys? i didn't realise we were on such affable terms with the great unwashed on this site....
  20. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/irish-poets-to-immortalise-world-cup-betrayal-200911192241/
  21. It's further polarisation within Scottish politics...
  22. The STUC nail their colours firmly to the mast with this one. Seeing as celtc are the team of the down trodden (so they'd have us believe) the dhims are being urged to wave palestine flags at the game tomorrow night. No doubt some of the 'faithful' will oblige. i just wonder if that that wee dhick that ran on the park at our game a couple of years ago will feel suitably enraged to do it all again...furra cause 'n'at... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/8388962.stm
  23. maybe they should just get a bye into the final itself...we can watch the WC and then the winner gets to play them
  24. Good post. I believe the term for us is now 'belleaguered'...certainly feels that way as we watch every game thru our fingers. It's tough being a bluenose right now...but it's still the only way to be
  25. Ancelotti has the blue machine purring along nicely...I think this is going to be a great season for Chelsea
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