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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. Well said Davie Weir and I couldn't agree more!!
  2. broon holds lafferty's shirt and puts his head into lafferty's chest....violent conduct...red card...end of! ffs mowbray, get over it!
  3. Reminds me of the Lovenkrands goal that won the cup in 2002...when we stopped celebrating the celtc end was empty lol
  4. Sad that McNeill should get involved with this sort of thing...but just goes to show that it's a mentality that's ingrained in the club.
  5. Is it too much to hope for a baton charge by the cops into the great unwashed timmy hordes as well?
  6. It's always about them, isn't it? the writer seems to have his nostrils flared wide for the slightest whiff of offence, meantime getting his excuses in early (seems to be their way). Our minutes silence and honouring of a war hero is to get at them...delusional or what? It took two people singing while alighting a bus at Falkirk to make the news you got to laugh....jistwanguy-ism strikes again or should i say jist2guys lol Half time presentations never make the news, never, ever, ever, make the news. Scotland's broadcast and written media have an editorial decision to make, either they allow themselves to be exploited by this or they report no differently than usual. if you act like normal human beings it wont make the news then will it? never, ever, ever, neither it will... and the religious charity mentioned...is that the one that is happy to use Ally McCoist's pic to advertise itself? seems not everyone falls into the stereotype that this guy would like to suggest. what a numpty!!!
  7. bwaahaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaa!!!!! the man is priceless!!!!
  8. Does this sort of thing happen in other cities where there's a footballing rivalry? Beasley, McGregor, Lafferty...who's next?
  9. They really are the most dreadful tatty munchers...
  10. mainstandbear

    sad news

    That is indeed sad news...RIP
  11. D'you think I should get it all off my chest...?
  12. agreed norris... 4 games in 8 days....9 in 21...that's how much the spl helped us for boosting the scottish game. They really are the most sad, pathetic bastards...
  13. 'the most mediocre Rangers team I can remember' ...well, I've seen worse Rangers teams in recent years and what lies under this statement is that Rangers don't win leagues...celtc lose them. It's a statement regularly trotted out by the great unwashed aimed at belittling our achievements. 'a celtc reject'... a bit harsh for a player who has won the fans over with goals and general all round play...was he a Rangers reject when he signed for them? and if we are talking about 'a waste of money'... broon, fortune, loovens..all examples of money well spent?
  14. aw poor lenny...that would make him quite depressed you know
  15. 'kinnell!! I didn't watch it as I thought they'd roll killie....fuckin brilliant!!! so much for the feelgood factor at celtc
  16. No surrender, brother!!!!
  17. looks like bhougy's coming home...if he can remember the way
  18. Bi-polar...it's the only way to describe them. They win and they are the greatest football team that ever graced a football pitch...lose and they don the sackcloth and ashes and wail 'woe is me!' and all in the space of 4 days!!! mind you, makes for bloody great entertainment does it not?
  19. lets all laugh at celtc....
  20. yes!!!!! 2-1 hivs...ya dancer!!!!
  21. FFS...did anyone read some of the comments?...there's some right sub-humans on there....
  22. catriona fucking harvey!! speirs spouting his usual pish!! but apart from that it was great....esp. derlei's goal
  23. agreed, Pete...his time at Rangers was up, but he was a fine servant to the club.
  24. Bazza!! 1-0 first goal for the club!
  25. Good for Barry! I'm glad he's doing well...he'll always be a Rangers legend for me!
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