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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. It seems that, according to their tired, old rhetoric, anti celtc equals anti catholic but anti Rangers equals anti bigotry...which they think excuses them to make the most vicious smears and slurs against the Rangers support... intolerance is intolerance is intolerance...
  2. Just appalling!! Their hatred knows no bounds. It's sad that these people feel no compunction to peddle this kind of offensive nonsense that keeps bigotry alive and well with the perpetually offended of the east end of Glasgow...
  3. What a shame...i've just went right off Bullard. I think he's a good player but the guy is constantly injured tho' so maybe not quite 'a blue chip' signing...
  4. RIP Sammy Baird
  5. I think it's a good idea and maybe a nice little earner if done on a regular basis....the OF brand is something both teams should exploit and at a time when money is tight, it may be something they could take around the world...Dubai, Australia, etc
  6. demented yahoos!! they crack me up every time....lol
  7. D'oh!...yeah Conway
  8. Pardew! FFS they'll be going for Ian Holloway next....
  9. I think Conroy's a decent winger and would like to see Rangers go for him...
  10. It was disappointing to draw...esp. as Utd went down to 10 men...but it is a difficult place to get a result and I like the way Utd play...never for a draw and always willing to press the opposition...MoM is a hard one from watching it on the TV but I would have to pick Thomson...never put a foot wrong...kiding of course! Probably Edu...he seemed to be further forward than McCulloch last night which was a vast improvement on the Accies and Sheep game where it looked like they had no understanding of each other...
  11. ...comedy gold! it just keeps coming...cant wait to read some of the tortured outpourings from KDS...
  12. agreed...let them get all misty eyed about 1967 and we'll have a party come May. as it is and always shall be...
  13. Their bitterness knows no bounds and they chased their most successful manager since stein out the door for not playing the 'celtc way'...now they're left with a half empty stadium, a team full of posers and job no-one of any note wants...so, if the myth keeps them warm at night...long may it continue. They can have their delusions...we'll have the glory. We are the people!
  14. did martin o'neill play football the celtc way? no....he got results with a load of big guys who were well organised. All this 'cavalier football' stuff from celtc is a myth...but it did indulge mowbray to play out his footballing fantasies and allow the Ted's to run away with the league...so, maybe not such a bad thing after all.
  15. They really have been comedy gold all season...and now they're letting lennon have a go....brilliant!
  16. God bless you Davie Cooper...sadly missed! I wish you'd seen 9IAR
  17. Well done, Fulham...those are the nights that make it all worth while...
  18. yes, Aidy the dizzy heights of Middlesboro await...
  19. Now, why am i not surprised? I would add 'have they nothing better to do?' but then obviously, other than cashing their giros, they dont.
  20. I wonder if Jack McGinn's years as SFA president will be discussed....and, one for the older bears, did that not co-incide with celtc's 9IAR? no...sorry...beginning to sound like one of them now, apologies....anyway, the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be good for them... get it all out, timmy...there, there...feel better? WATP
  21. The sharks are circling, Tony...and they smell blood! Happy days!
  22. Because of this list of ludicrous decisions Celtic have mounted a sustained and sinister campaign to cast some kind of doubt over the integrity of this entire Scottish set-up. And that is simply unforgivable. They have thrown accusations around on a seemingly weekly basis. The excuses they have come up with for their own shortcomings get more and more ridiculous by the day. They have attempted to blacken the reputation of the entire Scottish game but have succeeded only in making a mockery of themselves. Thank you, Mark Hateley...at last someone challenging the dheclans for their constant harping about 'institutional bias' and the insinuation that Scotland is a sectarian country.
  23. ...and saying how we organise minute silences just to upset them...
  24. http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/2010/march/11/rangers_in_dartford.aspx 'Even fans of fierce rivals celtc have been having their say' what are they like?
  25. yep! Webster seems to be having a fine season at Utd...maybe it's time for him to finally take his place in the Rangers team
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