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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. Well done, strachan for exposing the nonsensical nature of what the dhims having been greeting about and also for showing what the celtc DNA really means...paranoid, divisive, hateful and holding beliefs about anti celtc conspiracies that have no basis in fact.... It's taken an ex-celtc manager to back up what we've all been saying for years...there is no conspiracy. I'm not naive enough to think this will change the celtc fans mindset but at least it will give those who sit silently in the face of inTIMidation the opportunity to challenge their idiotic viewpoint.
  2. Just read the VB article regarding the so-called sectarian nature of this song ( exactly the same thing the dhims said about the bouncy I gather). Can anyone post a link showing what the mhanks are saying about it exactly? cheers
  3. Good news!!
  4. Agreed Zappa....and Nanook no no...dont be a naughty eskimo!!
  5. Already purchased a copy...'cos I'm in it :-D
  6. I used Ferguson as he example because of his comments at the time about it not being the same down south as running out at a packed Ibrox to play for Rangers...he felt he made a mistake leaving, maybe Boyd feels the same...do we forgive him and welcome him back if he does indeed return?...or does he remain persona non grata.
  7. He's made a mistake nonetheless, and as Ferguson realised back in 2003, he's better off at Rangers. as far as boro are concerned, he picked the wrong club...him and McDonald, 2 lazy bassas that need a workhorse alongside them to bring the best out of their game.
  8. I feel sorry for Boydy...he's made a mistake and now realises it. I think his departure has given the likes of Miller, Naismith and Lafferty a new lease of life and the team seems a lot more mobile this season...however, he is a proven goalscorer in the SPL. I suppose its all down to whether Walter, Ally and Kenny think they can use him.... Much Ambivalence Loyal
  9. I do wonder..."who will be the new aberdeen manager'. Then think to myself 'who the f*ck cares...' an insignificant club who have made a quite inspired job of ruining a successful legacy.
  10. 1. Lennon 2. Brady 3. Mowbray....at least Barnes could rap :-)
  11. Sorry Danny...that's the way I read it. I would say their biggest problem tho, is blinding paranoia and victim mentality that rips out of them from boardroom to the management to the team and to the stands... i saw a screenshot of a celtc fan forum where they were decrying the Rangers support for singing secterian (sic) songs next to a notice for a 'charlie and the bhoys' gig...they dont do irony it seems...
  12. Not bigots? their problem is that a fair percentage of the celtc support are consumed with hatred for all things British and Protestant...and if you think otherwise, have a wee walk down the gallowgate when celtc are playing at home. celtc are a club founded in bigotry...
  13. So much for the celtc mantra of being a club open to all...I wonder how the service men and women who are celtc supporters feel about this one, knowing that their club is complicit in the disregard of their fallen comrades. The celtc way...shameless
  14. great article from Leggo and ammunition for any argument with timmy
  15. It's a scandal that this is not a front page story...a poppy ban from a club who's chairman is an ex-defence secretary...can you imagine this in any other country? So they pander to the bigots in their support who will not move on from the past and continually disassociate themselves from the rest of British society... Wear your poppy with pride! WATP
  16. Name names then, Billy McNeill!!...this is getting ridiculous. WTF does Hooper know about Scottish refs other than what he's heard in the bowels of parkhead? scum the lot of them!
  17. Lennon's like some transfer addict...gotta have some more transfers!!!..hands shake, sweats, rocking back and forth until he has signed someone else from a middling team from the venezuelan first division who always dreamed of playing for celtc after seeing old black and white videos of jimmy johnstone when he was a boy.
  18. They are Scotland's Shame...sad, twisted, demented individual who is more concerned about Rangers than his own team....UEFA must see them coming now and regard them with the contempt they deserve...
  19. Hopes and prayers for a full and speedy recovery. Brian Laudrup Simply the Best!!
  20. I've been thinking about this too, Frankie...it has to be considered that if Lennon can get a first XI that he's happy with and is settled then we will have a major challenge from celtc...but it's a big IF...some of his players look good but to my mind they still have a weak defence...Lennon was still trying to bring in a centre half just as the window 'slammed' shut (hopefully on his fingers!)...they are no closer to sorting out their problems with their full backs as they were when the window opened...they still have scott 'broony' brown as captain and as such dont have a natural leader on the the park. I also think Lennon has blundered by signing so many players. It strikes me that he has no real idea of how he wants his team to play and is hoping that he has signed a Larssen in there...somewhere...a talisman that will lift the team. Time will tell...
  21. very true, Totti...I think most celtc supporters (or the sensible ones) are embarrassed by the nonsense printed in the rags. Quiet day for stories? just ask scott 'broony' brown how much he thinks his team are going to win by in the SPL/ Europa cup/ any other cup and fill 2 pages with the guff he comes away with... and pepper the article with words like 'hoops' and 'bhoys' and how no one likes facing celtc in the cauldron that is parkhead...these things write themselves.
  22. Speirs was at his smarmy worst during that...Bert Van Lingen was 'ludicrous', the fans were a 'baying mob' and his 'wee dick' comment... Speirs is truly a worm of a man..
  23. Doesn't fill you with encouragement does it....I think there could be some drastic revisionism from the contributors.
  24. Hup Hup Holland!!
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