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  1. Mixed thoughts about this, but still the potential to be best Scotland CB??? http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/rangers/6502882/Wilson-set-for-Gers-return.html
  2. Open to abuse here, but I'd take another year or 2 of re-building/Championship if it meant spending money on these type of guys, and building a philosophy at the club akin to Ajax/Barca/Anderlecht etc. Are we talking about a Cathro/Warburton type of manager here?!
  3. The Gers use "Catapault" during training, dont they? Didnt know name, but I had saw the bibs before and looked it up in photos. Anyway, is this the same sort of statistical analysis, or simply to help with training? Great article by the way
  4. I know we likely need free players, but we have (too often in my opinion) in the past, relied on buying players instead of "managing" youth - akin to Hearts this year.
  5. You could build a decent team on Football Manager with that list!
  6. McCall isnt in the mould of what a Rangers manager should be or of the class we've had in the past IMO. I attended the Motherwell Sponsors Dinner last year with work and he turned up in jeans, and an open necked shirt - proceeded to get half cut, slagged the players and their WAG's and then left early. Not exactly the example to set to players or the people who payed his wage - a small club mentality. I can only imagine he has the same sort of attitude with the players that McCoist did. Cue the "whats that got to do with managerial ability," but I seriously doubt he has that either. Break the bank and get Frank De Boer. (wishful thinking)
  7. What exactly is the "one hand tied behind his back?"
  8. Billy Reid, has an idea of what attacking football is about and has a track record of blooding youngsters
  9. I dont know, there always seemed to be a line up of idiots waiting at Hearts under Romanov
  10. Do you not think that the board will be shit scared to sack him though? Smith will back him to the hilt and they will fear a fan backlash too??
  11. Met 2 of them in Vegas last year, staying at same hotel, so we bumped into them a few times, jeezo, not that I'm well spoken, but she is as gallus as they come!
  12. ....chased by zombies!?........or maybe not! Ha ha
  13. Carfin - enough said. Dad of 10 probably
  14. Guys a massive Bluenose, friends with a guy who played in same school football team as him (tedious link!) Used to have a few "altercations" with septic minded folks on nights out in Stranraer:flute:. Hope the boy does well.
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