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craig last won the day on June 28 2023

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  1. craig

    New kit

    They will undoubtedly be taking all my money again regardles of what they look like...
  2. I am pretty sure league rules dont allow for this presently.
  3. You had me in complete agreement.... until you suggested Christie is a better player than McGregor - Christie is absolute dugmeat. Not a chance he is a better player than McGregor. The rest I agree with
  4. They must have built it into forecasts if they announced it. Plus, I think that there is UEFA regulation about wheelchair access - again, could be wrong on that though.
  5. @forlanssister is the man for this question But I think construction is supposed to start next summer - and I do believe that plans were either made available or verbalised - think (could definitely be wrong) was at the same time they looked into the feasibility of dropping the pitch a little to add seats as well.
  6. Gordon Ramsay....
  7. Gonzo the K-Pop fan.... Who would ever have thought it......
  8. Apparently we are interested in one of those participants
  9. Dwarf is acceptable, because it is, in fact, a condition.
  10. I enjoy listening to Marvin Bartley - he is honest and objective, which is all you can ask for. I enjoy listening to Emma Dodds too - very professional, brings a light-heartedness to things - second in presenting only to Laura Woods, IMHO Hutton went up further in my estimation yesterday.... can be a bit drab (but not as drab as Kevin T) but the way he manhandled that fud Stewart yesterday was a joy - there was an instance where Hutton had said a Hearts player was lucky - Stewart immediately jumps on it and sais "you arent saying that should be a penalty are you ?" and Hutton immediately jumps on it with "when did you hear those words from my mouth". Stewart is a bellend.
  11. Being paid or not, he is absolutely entitled to that opinion - you effectively told him to shut it, did you not ?
  12. I didnt want Lampard either but to suggest he has continuously failed is an over-reach. He did well with Derby and was unlucky to not get promoted - then in his first stint at Chelsea he actually did very well whilstthe club were under transfer embargo. He hasnt "continuously failed. But certainly not won anything or a success in his 2nd Chelsea stint
  13. Should we also request you do the same ? Free speech and all that right ?
  14. Any of us surprised ?
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