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Many will pour scorn on this. I take him at his word and think it a contains a certain decency. Good luck to him in the future.12 points
Classy statement from a classy guy. It didn’t work but for me he was hung out to dry by the board some players and keyboard warriors. Yes tactically it didn’t always work out but I thought he was a good manager. Certainly a massive improvement on the one before and after.11 points
I sometimes wonder what might have happened if the support had actually backed the manager(s) and the players over the last 3 and bit seasons, instead of turning on them after every set back and poor result. I find it staggering that anyone would claim our support aren't impatient, that's a real lack of self awareness on display. There's literally a thread describing at least 10 of players as 'no hopers and non triers'. Six of those players are full current internationalists, but aye, no hopers. We are literally the poster boys for impatience, we will turn on players after a couple of poor games, a manager will get a month, maybe 6 weeks and if we're not performing the knives will be sharpened. Anyone who doesn't think we'll turn on these proposed new owners with a fury they can't comprehend yet if they fail to back a manager or sell a favourite player simply doesn't understand our support. We are passive in terms of wanting to actually get involved in running and making our club better, but very vocal in making our unhappiness known when those who do fall short of our perceived standards. The Rangers support, of who I am proud to call myself one, have many good points and are unfairly maligned by others, but let's not pretend we're a patient support, we're most certainly not.10 points
A hotel, a school, a shopping complex and a car park? Are we moving to somewhere else then? I'll settle for a fit centre half and a left winger.9 points
9 points
Much improvement still required but a win's a win. Good news is that may have been the last time we need to play on that pitch especially if Killie finish bottom 6. Also interesting to note Don Robertson was happy to give both players yellow cards for any handbags. Twice. It's just Calum McGregor that doesn't get booked for that it seems.9 points
8 points
8 points
Despite all the madness of the last week, takeovers, sackings, the 4 bears of the apocalypse, a truly awful start to a game on a horrific pitch..... The one thing I couldn't stop thinking about today, is just imagine how fuckin amazing it must have felt for BF to hear the fans belting out 'oh, Barry Barry!' again, after all those years. He must've thought he'd never hear that again, the hairs on his neck must've been like a bloody porcupines. As much as he's not exactly what I hoped for, I fuckin loved him as a player, and wish nothing but the best for him. 💙8 points
Watching the highlights there Propper was being held and impeded at the corner we scored our second from, the irony being the Killie defender and Propper blocked Dessers' marker giving him a free header. Karma. I wasn't able to watch the match as I was working, only catching the last 15 minutes. I turned on my phone to read texts from my eldest and some friends that started off full of hope and anticipation, went to 'poor start' then to 'bloody hell this is awful' before transforming back into hopefulness and cries of 'Barry is going to turn Dessers into a star'. Really only football can provide that emotional response in less than 90 minutes. I know Nisala was hooked early and everyone was saying he'd a poor game but I didn't think he was at fault for either of their goals. Propper fell/got clipped depending what angle you watch for the first and Raskin hung him out to dry with a short return pass at the second. Whatever, the change clearly had the desired affect. Delighted we won, hopefully we'll not give the opposition a 2 goal start every game though. Here's a stat that might surprise you. Rangers have the best form in the league currently. We've lost 1 game out of our last 6, Celtic have lost and drawn games, Hibs have drawn 2 in 6. Surprised me as well.8 points
Some more detail: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/6158247/2025/02/26/rangers-49ers-leeds-takeover-explained/ The outline of a deal for Rangers to be taken over by a US investor group has been agreed with a period of due diligence to be undertaken before completion. The purchase will be done via a single investment vehicle encasing both Cavenagh and 49ers. Cavenagh will be the larger party, which could be crucial re SFA rules on dual ownership. After negotiations with the current bloc of major shareholders, the parties have agreed a set of variable routes to ensure they reach a 51% majority. King, Bennett & Scott will exit (21.5%). The other major shareholders have agreed to sell a significant enough portion each to get Cavenagh & 49ers to 51%. Negotiations to make the numbers add up have been led by Taylor, Halsted & Letham. The investors won’t need to make a compulsory offer to the remaining shareholders when they go above 30% due to a rule change this month re unlisted PLCs. Talks have included investment post-takeover. They were also made aware of Clement’s sacking.8 points
I'd rather keep him too, but its unlikely he will want to stay. He will want a bigger league and wage. We cant give him either. We need to get out of this mindset of being scared to let players go because we cant replace them. Its held us back for years now.7 points
...but their support's customary offensive rubbish will not be displayed..... which must surely hand us an advantage...... Frankly, that lot could give Trump lessons in narcissism, and self-importance. (To be fair, he's not a vicious antisemite.) "A football club held in the highest esteem". Indeed - presumably in pederast circles, as an example of how to abuse generations of children and get away with it. It doesn't seem to have penetrated the minds of this soi-disant intellectual wing of the fhilth support that Sunday's match will, as usual, attract attention from all over the globe, and that the Board will not wish to be embarrassed by the content of any display; nor will it wish to have to explain, or attempt to excuse, such content. Of course, in, mirabile dictu, an exercise in naked cynicism, refusing permission for a display means that it will not have to be seen to condemn it, afterwards, no matter how mealy mouthed, and insincere, that rebuke would be. Until the last rebel, indeed. God speed that day.7 points
7 points
Need them to get in with the war chest. First thing they should do is empty the war chest to pay off all these loans. We won't have any money left for new signings but all of the finance chat will come to an end so that is something.7 points
I'm all for caution but I think your concern is over the top. The shares issue is clearly turning existing loans into shares ahead of the 'sale', I really don't think it's anymore than that. The loan is for cashflow, we've relied on directors providing money at this time of the season in the past, we can't now, so we've borrowed. It's not ideal, but it's not criminal. I really think describing our current board as 'crooks's is really unfair. They've made mistakes, no doubt, but there is no comparison to Whyte, none at all.7 points
A great result, and I am, quite rightly, delighted. When I think about just how pig-sick the rest of Scottish football -or, even, perhaps, the rest of Scotland- is with the result, my delight is magnified.7 points
The hysteria from a section of our support is depressing. It's the board's fault" - Lots online blaming the board for not fighting the charge, even though they don't have a clue whether they did or didn't. Not that it would have mattered anyway. UEFA can do what they want. The board can't be blamed for UEFA's decisions. "It's not racist" - nobody has said that it was. "racist and/or discriminatory". 'Or' being the important word here. "Free speech is gone" - sigh. What a crap argument. You can make the argument but just not at at a UEFA match. They have their rules. If they had said "coherent speech is gone" then I'd have more sympathy. "Support the fans" - which fans are these? The ones who didn't want the banner or the ones that did? Just support the fans that you personally agree with? Another crap argument.6 points
Once the new owners take control this will be a new Rangers a new start if anyone has ever been to an American game be it soccer or baseball they’ll know it’s a family day out and the crowds are made up of every race of people the sad thing about our support is they can’t move forward for looking back they go on about so many leagues and cups that’s the past get the heads out of the sand and move forward and enjoy the new Rangers .6 points
That's as strong a sentence as I can recall the club ever making publicly. I personally wish they'd made it right after the match instead of waiting for a charge from UEFA, but better late than never. Whether UEFA should be sanctioning clubs for banners is moot, it's their competition, they make the rules, so if we want to play in the Europa League we need to adhere to them. As for what the banner meant, only the people who created it know what they actually meant. Of course what someone means and how it's taken are not always the same thing. We've been over this countless times before on forums and I suspect we probably will again. That's the danger with language, it can be misunderstood, or indeed understood all too well depending on who is hearing it. The term 'defend Europe' when playing against a Turkish club from the Asian side of Istanbul could be taken all sorts of ways. Likewise while playing against a club from a predominantly muslim country a message like that could be read in various ways. As for 'keep foreign ideologies out' how anyone can read that as anything other than racist is beyond me. Whether someone was trying to make a bigger social or political point or was upset at the LGBT flag on the Govan stand and the planned Iftar only they know. But I suspect any gay supporters or Muslim ones might have felt the banner was aimed at them, whether that was meant or not. I imagine personal politics will come into play on this. Often objections to 'political' messages depend a lot on whether you're in agreement with the message or not. Either way it's such a shame that we find ourselves talking about stuff like this again.6 points
Cheers @Frankie - I think BP and heart rate are just about back to normal, and you had to remind me they we face them on Sunday 😁6 points
Good to see Butland turn up, been a while. He deserves plaudits for that. Well done.6 points
I'm not quietly confident, but then I rarely am. I don't think Mourinho is the manager he once was, since he left Man Utd I've never felt his heart was in it, it's been more performative than productive. Even his attempt at mind games yesterday felt like an after thought. That said if we lose an early goal, or two, and if the crowd get nervy and restless it could be a difficult evening for us. If the crowd stay behind the side, even if there are setbacks, we should be ok. This is a Rangers side that's mentally fragile, and a little physically fragile too, but with a rocking Ibrox behind them they are capable of achieving a great result. It's always worth remembering we're still in Europe in March, that's not something I'll ever take for granted.6 points
This level of pre-match analysis and understanding of the professional game is further evidence of why everyone should ignore anything I post on football. What a result.6 points
The offside law needs changed. If you have to draw lines, if it's that close, give the scoring team the benefit of the doubt.6 points
Hahaha - hopefully gets more boring. Guy booed, ridiculed and abused b his own fans ramming their words back down their throats. If only we had more players with his attitude and who contributed like he does we wouldn't be in this mess. However, we'll still get fans (even on here) slate him. Chuffed for the Big Man and for those who defended him against the vitriol he has faced and overcome.6 points
From what I understand, its done by percentage so we'll get more seats there, than they'll get at Ibrox Cynical side of me says that if there was a title race, there would still be no away fans6 points
6 points
I believe this to be an honest message and not just lip service from Big Phil. This seems very gracious for a man who was shown very little support from the board or fans not even half way into his rebuild. All the best to him in the future.6 points
6 points
Like others have said , McCoist missed sitters every game but it never mattered because we didnt lose stupid goals that would cancel out any goals he scored. I think Dessers would be a hero if the clowns at the back stopped the calamities at the back every week.6 points
So Stephen Gerrard, one of the greatest midfield players / captains of his generation was wrong to make Tav captain and play him continually? So Gio, a European Cup winner, World Cup finalist and wonderful midfield player was wrong to make Tav captain and play him continually? So Barry Ferguson, best home-grown Rangers player for a generation (at least), decorated Captain is wrong to make Tav captain and play him? With all due respect, maybe Gio, SG and BF know what makes a Ranger and a Captain more than wee Boab the joiner? If we had more players with Tav's attitude, numbers, fitness etc in the last decade, maybe, just maybe "he" wouldn't have seen off 7 managers.6 points
And the more we're able to sell players for big money, the more attractive we become for other players as they'll see us as a pathway to a top 5/top 2 league team.5 points
Re offence: you know there is tv programme I absolutely love called "Rumpole of the Bailey." Because it is from the eighties before each episode they give a warning that you may be offended by discriminatory language and views which reflect the times. Every time I am baffled by what is 'offensive' in the show. You know what, I am more offended by modern tv adverts which show women waggling their backsides and talking about their 'pee.' And it's a product called 'Discreet'. Anything less discreet I have not seen.5 points
After seeing the level of opposition in this thread I will amend my position. I am now pretending to have backed him from the start. Oh Barry, Barry, ...5 points
5 points
I've taken bits of open source code from different places, sourced the data and assembled it myself. It's now an original Rousseau.5 points
The share issue is likely to be the tidy up of the balance sheet pre-sale, converting existing investor debt to shares. It'll be done with the knowledge and agreement of the proposed purchasers, and included in the share purchase agreement.5 points
Seems to happen with frustrating players and there is nothing more frustrating than sitters being missed. But his all round game has never been bad plus the sitter misses have dried up. He is also a likeable guy / player. And the other plus point is his injury record is good.5 points
Funnily enough, Dessers was a Europe specialist at Feyenoord too. He's been better than Igamane lately though. Whatever anyone says about Dessers, he comes across as a model pro.5 points
The result tonight was for Christopher Potter. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. https://x.com/ottawascot/status/18976548702214639575 points
He was by Donald's side all through the match5 points
5 points
Think we've had issues with injuries for a time before Clement so probably just a case of timing. Won't be long until the usual suspects break down again you'd fancy.5 points
I am very sceptical of the takeover, verging on outright fear. However I need to reappraise my position if Celtic fans are so opposed to it. I don't think they are bright enough for a double bluff.5 points
So I think what you are trying to say is that Jose is not going to know what's hit him?5 points
So fully responsible for not forcing us to sell half our squad, still being able to buy players like Igamane and reaching the last 16 in Europe. I know you only want to look at them as being the big bad and refuse to see any positives but things could be a hell of a lot worse if it wasn't for them.5 points