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  1. I sometimes wonder what might have happened if the support had actually backed the manager(s) and the players over the last 3 and bit seasons, instead of turning on them after every set back and poor result. I find it staggering that anyone would claim our support aren't impatient, that's a real lack of self awareness on display. There's literally a thread describing at least 10 of players as 'no hopers and non triers'. Six of those players are full current internationalists, but aye, no hopers. We are literally the poster boys for impatience, we will turn on players after a couple of poor games, a manager will get a month, maybe 6 weeks and if we're not performing the knives will be sharpened. Anyone who doesn't think we'll turn on these proposed new owners with a fury they can't comprehend yet if they fail to back a manager or sell a favourite player simply doesn't understand our support. We are passive in terms of wanting to actually get involved in running and making our club better, but very vocal in making our unhappiness known when those who do fall short of our perceived standards. The Rangers support, of who I am proud to call myself one, have many good points and are unfairly maligned by others, but let's not pretend we're a patient support, we're most certainly not.
    10 points
  2. Many will pour scorn on this. I take him at his word and think it a contains a certain decency. Good luck to him in the future.
    9 points
  3. Classy statement from a classy guy. It didn’t work but for me he was hung out to dry by the board some players and keyboard warriors. Yes tactically it didn’t always work out but I thought he was a good manager. Certainly a massive improvement on the one before and after.
    7 points
  4. I think a little bit like GvB we probably pulled the trigger too early, but it is done and we have to move on.
    4 points
  5. Patience isn't going to be a thing when other mob are heading closer and closer to 10 in a row. The real problem is we reset the counter on ten a few years back and then made a pigs ear of it. Now back to square 1. What are they at now, 4? Things can change quickly in football but the reality is we have little time to get it right.
    4 points
  6. Having read through the available details of the expulsion from the top division, the financial horrors that followed, and the return, I have the greatest respect for the Rangers support, the club's managers and players. Yet, I have to disagree with regard to the patience. You are in your 10th season of the return to the top division. That is 30 Scottish titles available to you, but the return was and remains at 3. If you were 1. FC Union Berlin, this would be acceptable. But even with you rival from the East, you can surely expect a return of 10 titles in the two cups, if not league titles? In my opinion, for your patience, you deserve the utmost respect.
    4 points
  7. I am very sceptical of the takeover, verging on outright fear. However I need to reappraise my position if Celtic fans are so opposed to it. I don't think they are bright enough for a double bluff.
    3 points
  8. I don't think they've shown much in the way of patience. They've employed 6 managers so very little patience there. Every 'plan' for running the club sustainably seems to get ripped up the minute results and performances attract supporter criticism, so no sense of patience there either. We've gone through CEOs, Directors of Football, Sporting Directors and so on. At a time when we should have had stability and patience the board have reacted to every onfield set back and started again. I suspect the Americans will be more patient with their plan, whatever that might be. I suspect they'll be far less swayed by supporter emotion.
    3 points
  9. I think you're confusing patience with loyalty. In those 10 seasons we've had 6 full time managers and 5 caretaker managers and I'd hate to try and count how many players. Only 1 player has been here all that time so that gives you an idea on player turnover. The Rangers support are pretty loyal, we keep turning up, travelling, and supporting, but we're not patient. That's not always a bad thing, but it is a reality.
    3 points
  10. I believe this to be an honest message and not just lip service from Big Phil. This seems very gracious for a man who was shown very little support from the board or fans not even half way into his rebuild. All the best to him in the future.
    2 points
  11. Bennet wanted to change direction from what you talk about. Summer 2024. It took him too long to push for the change but he got there in the end. Austerity, real push for sustainability and indepndent CEO. I am not saying it would have been successful, but it was an option. Not seriously considered in the end because we want jam today. The irony is that I think we'll need to be patient with the proposed takeover as well. _---------- The support are NOT patient. Don't mistake repeated disappointed resignation, post latest failure, for patience. The support have been incredibly loyal but their, at times, unrealistic expectations have brought pressure to bear and contributed to bad decision making.
    2 points
  12. Plan A didn't have a chance. No patience in our support. They obviously didn't help themselves but austerity (belated vision from John Bennett) with an independent CEO wasn't wanted. Plan B (proposed takeover) of which we have few confirmed details but many written words, has been presumed by many fans to be the instant hit that has us back where we belong. What if the US interests have a similar vision for the next couple of seasons, of cost cutting austerity and that we remain on the island between Celtic and the rest ? What we need to hear asap (still a fair bit away), is from the people involved and their plans. Then, see what actually transpires.
    2 points
  13. Don’t they always do this, though, writing to prospective investors, players and their agents? Dinnae sign furra rangers becos thurr pyooor anti cafflick so they are
    1 point
  14. A good result for Villa
    1 point
  15. More managers than trophies since 2012 the fans have been patient for far to long they want a team that can compete at home and hopefully get into a champions league spot to earn some real money instead of the crumbs we'll get from the Thursday night cup
    1 point
  16. If we are honest back in that dark day in 2012 when that poisoned little b*****d Whyte stood outside Ibrox reading the statement that we wear entering administration the club have never recovered a few trophies a couple of runs in Europe is no success the present board have done their best and can do no more they’re rich but not that rich we need this takeover to succeed or we become another Hearts. Hibs Aberdeen former greats just playing second fiddle to the ugly mob .
    1 point
  17. I disagree with your first point. The vast majority or our support are perfectly happy to stand back and not get involved in any way in the actual running or ownership of the club. I don't think this is just a Rangers thing, it's a British thing and can be seen at clubs all across this island. Culturally many of us are simply happier with the 'rich benefactor' model of ownership. This is why we're more patient with owners, but even then our patience is guided by on-field measurements, not the actual running of the club.
    1 point
  18. Does this apply to those "Rangers' men" in the boardroom, or to those "Rangers' men" with hefty shareholdings? If it does -and is there a compelling reason, which may be evidenced, why it doesn't?- then we should be looking for more rationality -and dare I say it?- more strategic thinking in the boardroom and among the hired help. Would it be a reasonable bet to assume that we will get these, or anything approaching medium term thinking, far less the long run, from 'fans' (qua 'fans') in charge, and all that may be required is a changing of the Rangers' guard, every now and again? Not a wager I should take. If anybody has a better option for the Club other than the Yankee dollar, I have yet to hear it. Regrettable, perhaps, but true. Glasgow Rangers: a sports' business, coming to a stadium near you.
    1 point
  19. How are we passive in getting involved in running and making our club better? We've had RST, Rangers First and Club182. These have failed for various reasons none down to fans being "passive". I'd agree with our assessment of fans regarding the players and team, but we've been overly patient wi5h those running the club. In fact, they've been backed to the hilt by the fans especially financially. I find it staggering some think otherwise
    1 point
  20. What unrealistic expectations? The board themselves have stated that external investment is the ONLY way forward. Are they being impatient as well? It was always going to "end" like this from the day they rescued us from the Spivs. It should have ended a few years ago (probably when we won 55) but they held on to the reigns too long. They were 100% the correct people to get us away from the spivs and back on track, but 100% not the correct people to control the club medium to long-term. Whether this takeover is what's required, only time will tell but there is now no other option. That's not down to fans being impatient is mostly down to the current incumbents inability / limitations running a football club.
    1 point
  21. Filth. Have you got a link so I can avoid it...
    1 point
  22. I’m all in favour of punishing ‘keepers who hold the ball as if it were their pet cat while looking vacantly about the pitch. I’d also punish any ‘keeper who catches the ball in a standing position then sinks to his knees. Reverse throw-ins taken from the wrong position and either enforce foul throws or forget about it and make it throw as you like. A bit of quarter-backing might be exciting. And no “drop ball” or “bounce ball”. It’s a stot up as everybody knows.
    1 point
  23. It's the total amount for the club, from memory.
    1 point

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