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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/06/24 in all areas

  1. As for Kenny McLean, as long as the deal is a reasonable one, then it makes sense. He's Scottish, brought up a Rangers fan and was the top performing midfielder in the Championship last season. If we're wanting to move on the likes of Goldson and Tav then McLean would arguably be our next captain and provide some much needed experience to what will almost certainly be a much younger squad.
    6 points
  2. Jacob Pazikas (19) is going to Stranraer on loan in the coming season. Stranraer's form suggests he'll get plenty of practice. Despite Jacob's exotic name he's a bluenose from Linwood, I worked with his Dad many lifetimes ago.
    3 points
  3. It’s in the Sun too have to say I’m not too keen on GK captains. And it seems to suggest tav is going as has been forecast
    2 points
  4. Should have watched Austria v Netherlands, chaps. Great game. Haven’t seen France v Poland yet but so far, France have been lethargic.
    2 points
  5. Close to HT in their final group game and France have been out scored by Clarke's Scotland. France will go through but thus far, a major disappointment. French have got a player called Barcode, on the left hand side.
    2 points
  6. I think if you have a guy like Shankland then you play him. Quality isn't overly important - the most important thing is that you have a focal point and the team can work around deficiencies. I find it very difficult to believe any other forward we have could be less effective than Adams who looks like he won a raffle to play football. Shanklands movement in ten mins v Hungary was more than Adams had done in 3 games. Agree on the wingers thing, but when you have fullbacks like Robertson / Tierney / Hickey for the left or Patterson / Hickey on the right then you'd want the midfield to play narrow to give these guys space to run into.
    2 points
  7. Transfer fee still to be mentioned? Hopefully they won't demand too much from us to take him.
    2 points
  8. In fairness I think I've seen him have one poor game for us when he's played (Dumbarton?) and whenever he has we've usually kept a clean sheet. In his situation it was more the case that he wasn't given an extended run in the team. He took his chance by and large in isolated games imo. Which is endemic to our club and how we manage youth players, throw them in when we're in the midst of an injury crisis or playing Dumbarton in the cup and then freeze them out for the rest of the year. The way we handle our youth players is a joke.
    2 points
  9. Ibrox chat is about as reliable a source as Frank McAvennie.
    2 points
  10. Think you need to put a comma after 'Famous' Cammy.😁
    2 points
  11. Wright wears us down at times to be fair. Done it in the cup final.
    2 points
  12. Ngl, I'd rather keep him and sell Lammers. Definitely a whiff of the Sakala sale about this in that we're flogging a known quantity for goals with a good fitness record. Otherwise we're hoping for 2 strikers to come in and do well straight away with no insurance. Especially with Danilo just coming back from a bad injury and it being unclear how he'll be.
    2 points
  13. On balance I think your assessment and conclusion are correct. On the other hand, if it hadn’t been for Westminster we’d have won it.
    2 points
  14. Clarke, it may now be revealed, exclusively to Gersnet, is an agent of the Labour Party, his cunningly stage managed incompetence, and inability to rally and inspire the troops, leading, as planned, to serial failures on the pitch. These disasters for Scotland prevented the upswing of national optimism that progress in the tournament would have brought, consigned national pride to the midden, made the plain people of the country embarrassed and ashamed, and, thus, ensured that there would be no high hopes, nor springs in the steps of the electorate, on July 4th, confounding the Nationalist Party, and its knavish tricks. It may be difficult to view Steve Clarke as a latter-day Knox, but he has tied the feet of a dancing nation: and a' fur its ain guid, ken. Such sacrifice. A knighthood, surely? You're welcome.
    2 points
  15. Or it could be the Record caught out talking pish.
    1 point
  16. I am sticking to my previous prediction that if tav goes McLean comes in and takes the arm band.
    1 point
  17. Portugal are a delight to watch so are Spain at times. Austria are good to watch. France must be upping a gear soon. I’d like either Austria or Portugal to win. England and Germany are grinders. Too often tournament winners are grinders.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Fall out after a Slovenia win would be delicious 🤞🏻
    1 point
  20. This is turning into a real opportunity for England if they top their group. Top half of draw has potential quarters of Spain v Germany Portugal v France
    1 point
  21. France and England are the two disappointments so far Although we all know that it's the KO stages where the winners step up.
    1 point
  22. First round of games today again pure coupon busters ...
    1 point
  23. Can't just be me who thinks that Lewandowski run up was barely legal? Felt for the French keeper a bit.
    1 point
  24. Agree with Stevie. Can't really imagine Norwich letting him go on the cheap. Nor McLean settling for a relatively low wage or/and a short contract. 32 year old with high mileage. Not where relatively substantial money should go.
    1 point
  25. I genuinely think anyone who wants us to hold on to Wright must watch games on hallucinogenic drugs.
    1 point
  26. Steve Clifford said this morning on Ranger Review that Rae is staying on so is Brian Gilmour.
    1 point
  27. Not sure that's true. We have some good players who play for Liverpool, Man U, Arsenal. Missing Hickey, Lewis Ferguson and Patterson was maybe a big blow but then again no guarantee Clarke would pick any of them.
    1 point
  28. There are obvious limitations to what the Scotland squad could have achieved. However, the manager didn't make a timely or coherent attempt at beating Hungary. That isn't to say that we would have won but not at least giving it a go just isn't on. Over his time, Clarke has done fairly well but it is now time for a change. He would better suited to Aberdeen when their new Scandinavian gets the bullet. Steve Clarke and his dour expression would be at home, looking out to a grey and unwelcoming North Sea 😂
    1 point
  29. PAOK apparently in discussions with Dessers: https://www-novasports-gr.translate.goog/sport/podosfairo/event/super-league-1/article/13465104/paok-to-neo-onoma-gia-tin-epithesi/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
    1 point
  30. With the players at his disposal Clarke was never going to field a winning side playing attractive football. His mission was to try to scrape through and avoid a shellacking. He failed even that in the very first match. Ok it was Germany but this isn’t the Germany of old. In the second match the team actually played very well without looking as if they would score many goals. I could only manage twenty minutes of the first half last night before switching off to do something more exciting. Two points. 1. Guardiola himself would struggle with these players. 2. Scotland couldn’t do it with players like Law and Baxter and a rattling good supporting cast. Is it something to do with our native character?
    1 point
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