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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/01/24 in all areas

  1. The rumour mill was being heavily cranked by Sellik admin' staff on Saturday evening. Brenda did his after match presser, complaining both bitterly and pointedly about the state of the pitch. Apparently, this was a dig at Peter who decided to cap funding on pitch maintenance. Brenda has participated in a running feud with Mark Lawwell since Peter's mini-me insisted upon signing Liverpool's Phillips on loan. Further, Mark and Peter fail failed to secure the services of Liverpool's Owen Beck. Brenda was pyoor ragin' and headed off on an errie tae Chamonix. Brenda does NOT ski. Desmond does ski and Brenda traveled to put his case. BBC Radio Scotland had Peter's favourite shill in the print media, Stephen McGowan on with RAB and Tam the Token. The boos continued to ring in Stephen's ears and he attempted to articulate supporters' concerns, "they're unhappy with nepotism inside the club". Whatever the truth, the PQ Gang Hut are attempting to get a handle on the narrative. The ongoing spat with Peter over Tom English's current banishment makes the Gang Hut most uneasy.
    5 points
  2. Those saying there are only two genders are talking out their a*se. There is only one. God created one gender, and a rib.
    4 points
  3. The season we last won the league, we had 4 proper forwards, all contributing important goals. Morelos with 17 goals, Roofe with 18, Itten with 6 and Defoe with 7, supported by Kent, Aribo, Hagi and Arfield who all contributed a decent number of goals, and of course Tav whose contribution so many of us simply take for granted. This season really only Dessers and Tav could be expected to reach 18 goals. Sima could have but his injury makes that unlikely now, perhaps Danilo too if he'd been fit. Our midfield goal contribution is pitiful. The attraction of Shankland for so many is he's a goal scorer, something our squad badly needs. I like the look of Silva, but nothing in his past suggests he's a 20 goals as season forward.
    4 points
  4. Yup, reminds me of a Darcheville type forward, good player, run into channels and link up well but not a natural goal scorer. Can play as a #9 yeah but not natural. The difference between us and them recently is their #9 is a goal scorer ours are goal fluffers.
    3 points
  5. Non-pen goals per 90 is a far better barometer, and he's in line with Dessers in the league this season (who barely even got started with us until Clement came in). Shankland has scored 15 penalties over this season and last and that makes a huge difference to his numbers. He's clearly hit a great run of form recently but there is literally no indication at all we are interested. The Silva signing pretty much sealed it for me because he will not have been cheap, his wages will be high and there was probably a fee too, and I never believed we would bring in two expensive strikers in one window.
    2 points
  6. I totally take your point, but goals is goals. We only play them 4 times a season, that's a lot of other games to score in. It's our mentality, or lack of it, that has cost us against them.
    2 points
  7. Sima, Dessers and Tav all have more goals this season than their no.9.
    2 points
  8. A Fire without a Chimney. Peter does NOT tolerate Sellik problems being vented. The weekend saw the kindling assembled being lit by both Sellik admin' staff allied with favoured Sellik-minded Journos. The flames grew and the Podcasters were articulating the thought that something was rotten within the state of Peter. Of course, the biggest Sellik vlogging site is the PQ Gang Hut and they were on the cusp of picking up the bellows. Peter acted to douse the the fire and stop the necessary supply of oxygen. Today, there is barely an ember glow. Sellik stories are dominated by tranfers our ie david Turnbull, James McCarthy and, Gustav Lagerbielke. The Daily Record's Michael Gannon is another trusted shill, he has a piece today setting out the way ahead. The rarified air no longer crackles. Stephen McGowan and Ewing Grahame will be pulled in later this week for interviews without coffees and chairs. The will be informed they must live ra Sellik reality, they will not be aloud to effect it. McGowan and Grahame opined the £70 million in the bank and, highlighted the wealth available to this season's title winners from the revamped, bigger Champions League. They identified the spectre of Clement and extrapolated, "Rangers will throw every penny at it" combined with McGowan's heartfelt plea, "Rangers will do everything to win this title by hook or by crook". Whatever does he mean? Chris McLaughlin and Peter Martin are not fanning the flames, they know the reality. They have appeared before Peter, dropped their breeks and, took their sans lubrication punishment. The reality at Sellik is a distinct dynamic, three seats of power. Dermot Desmond is the majority shareholder but is an absentee landlord. Peter dominates Scottish football from Sellik Park whereas, Brenda is confined to Lennoxtown. Is Mark Lawwell carrying stories from the training centre back to his Paw? The Sellik family might want to be told. As the smoke clears, the one certainty all Yahoos can absolutely rely upon is Sellik's next game is against Aberdeen. Three points from six goal margin victory is guaranteed. Perhaps PQ Gang Hutter, Big Dick will utilise his Aberdeen Press and Journal column to further soothe worried brows?
    2 points
  9. Strange conflation. I don't want Shankland (certainly not at the prices mentioned) and don't think Silva in a No.9 either.
    2 points
  10. Scott McKenna off to Kopenhagen, it seems. Was rather unlikely anyway.
    2 points
  11. Bluenose Bites, Bowls of Mols, Govan Granola, Fernando Flakes, Prso Pops or Crunchy Clements. Mmmmmmmmm tasty
    2 points
  12. Well we did have a signing yesterday and I think therrrreeeeeee Great 🤣🤣
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Looks like Liewell back in charge at ra Styedome. What does CEO Nicholson the George Roper lookalike do? Maybe the PQ gang hut could look into this
    2 points
  15. Shankland just scores loads of goals. 20 this season so far. 47 in 77 for hearts. I am ok if we don't go for him but like Boyd i do think he could deliver titles.
    1 point
  16. In the interests of accuracy, fixed it for ya.
    1 point
  17. How many wins in old firm games that got us? I stand by my point. Their number 9 being a goal scorer has been the difference, this season and last.
    1 point
  18. The Shankland fan club will never accept it but Silva is a striker and will play a major part in the rest of the season. He’s not prolific but he will score goals and bring quality to our front line.
    1 point
  19. Hello First updates of 2024 have been applied. Annoyingly it looks like they reset some template modifications. @Frankie. Just watch for the custom code on the templates. If anything looks off, please dm me or frankie.
    1 point
  20. Kelloggs are launching a specific product to keep Rangers supporters regular : Cereal Dessers is presented in a red, white and, blue box with the Belgian guaranteeing you begin your day with a snap, crackle and, pop.
    1 point
  21. Cereal is for kids and the unimaginative/those that can't cook, harvested from pub floors.
    1 point
  22. Kellogg's for me and not the cheap versions. Anyhow stopped shopping at Asda since my local store started announcing over the tannoy for all staff to gather for the daily huddle.
    1 point
  23. I bought the original corn flakes and their new chocolate ones at the weekend as they were on offer from Tesco. And now this deal is announced. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
    1 point
  24. I stand by it! I mean, he's started OK at Utrecht ... as a 9.
    1 point
  25. My views are simple, stick to your own Anatomy if somethings not there don’t add it or take it away, also if you want to add it or take it away feel free each to ones one and all that, what I do say is don’t come into a Male or female toilet and pretend you know what your doing when your Adam’s Apple is protruding from your neck and scaring my daughter or wife with your hairy voice or your aiming at the cubicle and peeing on my feet, I’ve got no objections to how anyone lives there life’s but when someone is taking the piss and is having a clear advantage over someone else then that’s a different “ball” game especially for females, I’ve yet to see a female do it in any sports . Has there been a female as a male in the sports ? Can’t believe there has been.
    1 point
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