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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/08/23 in all areas

  1. I wonder what percentage of the 'worldwide audience' have stopped watching these matches because of the reduced allocation(s). That's a rhetorical question because I couldn't give a toss. Give. Them. Nothing.
    4 points
  2. A fair point but we do have the situation now where ourselves and Celtc are so far ahead of the opposition that we just expect (generally speaking) to win every match. Celtc have been swatting the other teams aside with ease since 2012, so a draw or loss now is far worse than it was 15, 20 or 30 years ago.
    2 points
  3. Hagi going on loan for free is pigheaded & stupid. He would start every game for me. Before I'm asked, there is not one player I would not drop for Hagi. Roofe should also start every game.
    2 points
  4. I’m very pleased. It’s two points lost for them. It helps Rangers but that’s all it is. Look at it another way. Will they fail to win in three consecutive games?
    2 points
  5. Why are we gloating over them drawing? It's cringeworthy.
    2 points
  6. I assume you don’t sit in the Broomie? Why should I give up my seat to a supporter of another team? I have no interest in a ticket for the Brendanbowl.
    2 points
  7. Good luck to Hagi on his loan. AFAIK he’s still under a long contract with Rangers so hopefully he’ll get plenty game time with Alaves to convince MB that he should be part of the Rangers starting XI.
    2 points
  8. Good luck to Hagi. I hope he gets lots of game time and shows the Rangers management what he is capable of. I also hope that Hagi wants to come back.
    2 points
  9. Agreed. It seems crazy that we'd let him go on loan without one. I was thinking at least £1 million.
    2 points
  10. Not at all, i'm hoping we win every game, come third in the CL group stages and win the league and domestic cups. But under Beale I am expecting failure, and so I dont want to lose someone I value as one of our better players who is contracted for another 3 years and IMO could do us a very good job because this manager's ego gets in the way when i personally dont believe he will be manager past Xmas. Of course the way Brenda is going across the road may well mean Beale gets more leeway. 2 wins in the next week and I will be having massive amounts of humble pie, with a huge grin on my face!
    2 points
  11. As regards Hagi, a 6 month loan will probably be sufficient to see the back of Beale and then a new manager will hopefully see the talent there and not be so pig-headed and egotistical and just use Hagi properly.
    2 points
  12. A - Use him. B - Sell him. C - Loan with obligation to buy. D - Loan with option to buy. E - Loan with nothing. F - Let him rot in the B-team. G - Release him. Personally, I'm A. However, if the manager doesn't want to use him, then it should be B, then C or D with fines if they decide against. E is stupid. IMO.
    2 points
  13. I think it's stupid not to use him, but even if we don't want him, we should sell. We're just running down his contract and value to us.
    2 points
  14. They think that accusing us of killing our club is the way to get us to change our minds over their ticket allocation? And just in case we had forgotten that their support is full of the scum of society, they decided to bring the banner out in the 66th minute. The banner and the group behind it are fully sanctioned and supported by their club and their directors. Hopefully Bisgrove quickly realises that their club is a disease from top to bottom and never returns to the negotiating table.
    2 points
  15. 700 or nothing it’s their choice, never ever again give them the Broomie.
    2 points
  16. Absolutely no way should they ever get the whole Broomloan again
    2 points
  17. Some would have Hateley away based on his performances for the first couple of months. They would have had Ally away during his "Ally, Ally GTF" period. There's obviously an expectation that when you move to a different league in a different country with a unique playing and refereeing style that you should be instantly be wonderful, whether you're fully fit or not. Things were a lot simpler and people a lot more reasoned before the hysteria caused by social media.
    1 point
  18. Time to bin Lammers. I will use the 'heavy shirt' cliché if I have to.
    1 point
  19. Lammars surplus to requirements? He's played 3 league games. This must be the most over analysed Rangers squad in our history.
    1 point
  20. Sensible move for Hagi and Rangers. There is little chance of him playing in the role currently inhabited by Cantwell IMO. Hopefully he can get a full season under his belt in a very good league. He still has a lot to prove. Who knows what will happen when this season is over?
    1 point
  21. That's pretty funny to be fair, the narrative in the buildup was pretty much that Liverpool were underdogs and would struggle.
    1 point
  22. Eh....if this allocation ever returns then you can offer them 8000 + 1 the 1 being mine.
    1 point
  23. This might be a hot take but to be honest I've always thought the same of Bukayo Saka, he tends to strike and control the ball towards his instep as if he's always playing a ground pass along the floor. Will be world class no doubt but I don't think he's technically great, I might be howling though. Similar to Calvert-Lewin, I'm surprised both of them are on pens for their teams. There's a few attackers like that though, Suarez was scruffy as f**k at Liverpool and Lukaku isn't great at striking a ball either but both put down brilliant numbers. Morata as well. Morelos.
    1 point
  24. cheers @CammyF, i'm still thinking there must have been another successful one in the last 15 years but I'm not coming up with anything!
    1 point
  25. Hagi has never really been a nailed on starter for us, and I don't think he'd be one under most managers with the current squad. A good player to use on occasions or to bring off the bench, but he needs first team games so a loan is an excellent idea in principle.
    1 point
  26. That will explain what success he had. Good records at Preston and Everton. Not so good at Manchester United but better than some of his illustrious successors and nobody was going to be successful there immediately after Ferguson. The move to Spain was ill advised, struggled at Sunderland (everybody does) but overall good enough at West Ham. I was checking his record because I had deluded myself into thinking he went to Goodison from Blackburn Rovers and I see he is an FP of Bearsden Academy.
    1 point
  27. Went for Roofe, but Tav, Souttar and Borna were all good too. No real 9/10 performances but a lot of 7's in a competant display where at HT I thought we had played well and the second half would be pffft and so it panned out. Under Beale we just dont play a good 90 mins. We may have to do this twice in the next 7 days if our season is to meet its objectives.
    1 point
  28. Charlie Adam further back- basically got St Mirren prompted
    1 point
  29. Brighton and Hove Albion 1, West Ham United 3. Rockers smash the mods and go top of the league. That Moyes is a managerial genius.
    1 point
  30. Again we are assuming someone wants to buy him. He is either gonna sit on the sidelines at Ibrox not playing or he is going to go on loan to someone and play. We have a better chance to sell him if he is playing regularly surely?
    1 point
  31. Hope we don’t regret not signing Luis Palma whom it seems is now signing for the yahoos. His stats seem good & we’re short on quality players in wide areas up front
    1 point
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