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  1. When this spat was first aired, I remember Michael Stewart utilising BBC Scotland to put the Doncaster - MacLennan case. He ended the piece by saying, "Neil Doncaster and Murdoch MacLennan, these are the good guys". He should be reminded.
    6 points
  2. Anyone else get the feeling we've decided to park our tanks on their lawn? The action against the SPFL can't be about money, it must be about creating change at the top of that organisation. Leaking it to the media, along with uncomfortable truths around employment contracts, during a quiet sports news period, feels deliberate too. It feels like we're ramping up pressure on Doncaster, his paymasters, and the other clubs in the SPFL who might be swithering over where to fall on this. The spin around the SFA backing us on it only helps create division and uncertainty, must make it fun when they all bump into each other in the lift at Hampden. Cantwell publicly mocking Celtic's pet broadcaster might be coincidence, but again it feels like we've decided to get in their faces from the off. Beale clearly annoyed Celtic's last manager with some rather innocuous comments, perhaps we've decided to go all in on that this season. It's a strategy that should please many in our support, but does run the risk of making us look foolish if it only helps galvanise them.
    6 points
  3. They (Celtic) are also running risks too with their "I will see you here next May" comments from Rodgers, along with his claim to want to do better in Europe, effectively suggesting that domestic success is a foregone conclusion. I would argue that the galvanisation should be stronger for us than for them. That said, no professional should need the words of a rival to motivate them to beat them
    4 points
  4. It all boils down to winning trophies. If we win the league, the world is rosy. If that lot win it, it's all doom and gloom.
    4 points
  5. We have had the tanks parked on their lawn for over three years with little return. Initially, we went in with size 14's (a full panzer división) and surprisingly seemed surprised when very few clubs were interested in backing our stance. Los tres amigos remain in the executive (perhaps McKenzie has left but it would have been of his own choice). We have become accustomed to articles or 'news' that speculate on positive tendencies and outcomes. They are too often pish and wind that come to nothing or indeed, very negative outcomes, eg. Ashley/SDI. What we have to do regards to getting in their faces is simple. Beat them in the first OF match at Ibrox. Neither side are going to drop many points to the rest.
    3 points
  6. You might think, if Scottish Fitba' inhabited the Real World. The 2 years' notice, and the ludicrously high salary, and ancillaries, seemingly were put in place to keep this many splendoured man at the SPFL, and to ward off suitors. The more cynical might feel that it is always easy to reward a loyal lieutenant with other people's money. If Doncaster is really irreplaceable, or as near as dammit to it, then we really are in trouble.
    3 points
  7. Could always practice free kicks, penalties , as Gary Player said the more I practice the luckier I get .
    2 points
  8. Aye, we all bemoan the lack of personalities in football and as soon as someone shows a glimmer of humour online they get panned for not training. No wonder their accounts are usually run by third parties and they don't say anything of interest in post matches. Good on him, he was probably the best player in Scotland post January so should rightly call Sutton out on his nonsense.
    2 points
  9. Yeah, We all know Chris is a classy guy. The word is the affair was largely conducted by car. After training, down the Dalmarnock Clydeside and I was told by a then senior Police Officer, occasionally in a southside graveyard. Chris was the face of Spook Erection.
    2 points
  10. Said it before and I'll say it again, I'll never understand why McCoist bends over for him. He'll slag Rangers all day and McCoist will just sit there and laugh.
    2 points
  11. When you see that your weren't scolded at all and you agree with everything he posted:
    2 points
  12. When you log on and see @craig has quoted you 4 times...
    2 points
  13. I am not saying they are - Jamie Carragher was the one complaining about them coming in and taking players, and how he wasnt bothered when it was Benzema etc but when there was word of Silva possibly going (and Neves is only 26 too) that it started to concern him. It is only a matter of time before they start to take players in their prime - take some of the biggest names now, get established, then look to take players in prime because the standard has improved.
    2 points
  14. Pretty sure I remember seeing a story that Preston pulled out and were no longer interested
    2 points
  15. I think a lot of our outstanding business will depend on how successful we are with this
    2 points
  16. Not sure the players the Saudis are currently taking are in their prime. And I’m not sure the Saudi league is a threat to the EPL. (not yet anyway)
    2 points
  17. Ah the BBC, who would have guessed.
    1 point
  18. In case we’re involved in a penalty shootout
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Why would Cantwell do that when Tavernier takes them all ?
    1 point
  21. SkyNews reporting Sima has agreed a loan and is undergoing medical. Maybe an evening announcement 🤔
    1 point
  22. Agree BD. Koulibaly yesterday said "yep, it was the money - I can now help my family, friends, village I am from". Cash is king.... and is hard to reject when it is multiples of generational wealth. They don't have the CL, that is true.... but how long before the best players in the world are plying their trade in Saudi and other gulf states and their gulf CL is competing with UEFA's version ? I doubt it will be in my lifetime, but stranger things have happened. We need only look at how quickly the PGA caved to LIV for warning - though, in that instance it came down to deep pockets because the PGA couldnt continue with the legal expense.
    1 point
  23. Impact player when teams are tiring. Certainly not a starter
    1 point
  24. Think I saw something last week or the week before saying Preston had stepped away from the signing
    1 point
  25. Only difference is the vast majority of players are over 30, so its akin to the US, but with more money!
    1 point
  26. Eddie Turnball would have been a good Rangers manager.
    1 point
  27. Mustn't forget his bankruptcy either.
    1 point
  28. Are you referring to his choice of sleeping with Alison McConnell while his at the time 'page 3 girl' wife was preparing to file for divorce? Definitely speaks volumes about the guy. Its like giving up a steak dinner to gorge on an out of date pot noodle.
    1 point
  29. Sutton should be referred to as, 'the Molester of ra Sellik View Cub Reporter'.
    1 point
  30. It must be hard changing from stilleto heels and pointed toes to football boots⚽
    1 point
  31. Bolton have passed on the opportunity to sign Baccus. 500k. No brainer.
    1 point
  32. The English are complaining about the Saudis coming in and taking all the best players in their prime.... It is extreme hypocrisy - the English did the EXACT same thing when the Sky money came rolling into England. They are all crying now because all of a sudden there is competition
    1 point
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