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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/06/23 in all areas

  1. It’s been a great loan for us because we’ve shown Bayern and other elite clubs that we can be trusted with their players and make them wanted across Europe. I hope we go back to Bayern for another loan.
    3 points
  2. I think it's a result from him, if the provision was part of the deal and wasn't subsequently negotiated. I guess Bayern held the cards when doing the original deal and may have had this inserted into the deal and there was nothing done about it, although maybe they've asked us to change the deal and it's something that suits both parties. Tillman didn't appear that keen on signing for us so best to get some cash in the door instead.
    3 points
  3. - Left CB (dominant and good ball player) - Midfielder (Box to Box, engine, good duels) - Marquee Striker (goalscorer with height) - Utility Forward (young with clear potential, comfortable off the left, right and through the middle) I think if we spend in 3 of those positions and find another on a nominal fee/free then we'd be pretty much set I'd say. Or spend in all 4, who knows. Just to list Examples: - Trusty - Cifuentes - Stewart - Whittaker Nothing concrete just previous links, more fussed about the positions than the examples.
    1 point
  4. Holiday they're is work to be done and he's on holiday FFS holiday my arse
    1 point
  5. Seems to me we're still 3 or 4 players short of a league title, so they'd better get on with it.
    1 point
  6. ahh well, thought it wasn't happening when it went quiet for a bit Thats 4 odd million that was set aside for Dessers that can now be added to £5million ringfenced and the £1million+ 'compensation' for Tillman..... we have a warchest
    1 point
  7. If he would rather stay in Italy and fight relegation with Torino or similar and not come here to win then its for the best.
    1 point
  8. Anfield road stand almost finished cost in the region of £97 million
    1 point
  9. Ok - I take it back. This if true is a fantastic bit of business for us.
    1 point
  10. On a reported 20k per week I think its less important about getting a big fee for him and more about freeing up the wage. Would take half that to move him on. Would still be a fantastic bit of business given how much we paid.
    1 point
  11. After his goal against almighty San Marino at international level, interest in Glen Kamara is sure not dwindling. Whether links to Spain, France, and England will bear any fruit remains to be seen, as we supposedly have put a 5m price on his head. We can only dream ... and wish him well.
    1 point
  12. I can’t see us paying what Utrecht want in all honesty. I think that dictates our level of interest in this player.
    1 point
  13. Without seeing the T&Cs we'll never know. It's more likely that Bayern have moved the goalposts. Anyhow, Wilson has gone, it appears Tillman isn't signing, it's time to move on from both. Onwards and upwards.
    1 point
  14. Bring it on. We all laughed and were like who when Ange came in, its almost the opposite this time but it shouldn't frighten us. Just sort our own team out and we shall see what develops at the Piggery
    1 point
  15. Rarely works out second time around for a manager when he returns to a club(Walter Smith being a notable exception) Interesting his assistant Chris Davies won’t be joining Brenda this time. Wonder if that’ll affect things this time around? He’s keeping the back room staff including Kennedy and Strachan who bombed spectacularly when put in charge after Lennon left. Surely he knows he won’t get an easy time of it this time around. No Warburton, Pedro or Murty. I always thought he never fancied it when Gerrard became Rangers manager. Looked for an easy exit and took it. Now Gerrard’s no2 is now running Rangers he may wish he’d bided his time until something came up in England but his stock has surely fallen after Leicester’s relegation. Can’t see him doing an Eddie Howe
    1 point
  16. I did some digging and finally found out the law firm we employ for contracts.
    1 point
  17. I 100% know its Ross Wilsons fault because he is a rather smug looking wee sausage
    1 point
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