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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/23 in all areas

  1. The Goldson-Davies partnership was always going to end the chaos at the back. Our record with and without Goldson: Without 8 games, 1 clean sheet, 8 conceded, 4 wins Since return 8 games, 5 clean sheets, 6 conceded, 7 wins If you limit it to the Goldson-Davies partership that comes down to 4 conceded in 7, and 2 of those were to Celtic. Edit: Just checked pre Goldson injury and they were partnered 3 times in the league and got 3 clean sheets. I forgot cup games too, that adds 1 clean sheet in 2 games.
    6 points
  2. Stability in the back-four is surely bearing fruit, too.
    4 points
  3. As everyone has said that was very enjoyable last night from the first minute to the last. Tempo, aggression, strength, energy and belief have all been missing through most games this season but that wasn't the case last night. Just a pity we didn't score more than the three goals our dominance merited but that shouldn't takeaway from such a good performance. That's the level we need to find every week now. There really is no excuse when so many more than decent players are fit, available and, crucially, competing for their place in the side.
    4 points
  4. I think it’s fair to say that he can improve his stamina though. This is his first season of real football so maybe it’s to be expected.
    3 points
  5. Obviously, you will have to take into account that Hearts wanted to play their game at home and show what damage they can do. We never let them, yet they neither tried to get back to the brickwall-tactics other teams use and thus got hammered all night long. It is on us to do a similar "press and in their faces " -style like we did last night, so the game against Ross County might look somewhat different - and that's been the case before. Still, we now have players capable of providing that sort of game, either newly signed or back from injury. So no excuses (as the saying goes).
    3 points
  6. Hopefully we can build on last night's performance and get some momentum going.
    3 points
  7. Well, the excitement is officially back! Suddenly we have an entertaining team, packed with creativity and flair. Slowly but surely, the bench is starting to look stronger too. Jack, Colak, Cantwell and Lowry on the bench last night. Raskin, Roofe, Hagi, Lawrence, Souttar/Helander and Yilmaz are all to be added to that. A run of three reasonably straightforward games now to bed in Raskin and Cantwell and to iron out the creases before the 26th!
    3 points
  8. An excellent performance, probably our best of the season so far domestically. Those who want rid of Morelos really should have a rethink to themselves. Are he & Sakala not now forming a great partnership? Everytime they got the ball first half they looked like scoring
    3 points
  9. Is that an apostrophe gone off course or is young Lowry hedging his bets?
    3 points
  10. Tillman is a baller, I'd pay the money for him
    3 points
  11. EL ÉXITO NO LLEGA POR CASUALIDAD, es trabajo duro , perseverancia, aprendizaje, sacrificio y sobre todo, amor por lo que haces 👌💪🏾🐃🇨🇴⚽️⚽️ SUCCESS DOES NOT COME BY CHANCE, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and above all, love for what you do 👌💪🏾🐃🇨🇴⚽️⚽️
    2 points
  12. Aye, that's exactly what it is. Us Rangers fans are a strange bunch. Player doesn't show emotion then we hate them, player clearly gets us and its "birthday card p1sh". Do you ever take a moment to think and reflect on why opposition fans hate Alfie so much? I can never work out why Rangers fans hate him though, a real mystery. We'll be a worse team without him.
    2 points
  13. This is the problem with Morelos. For him success is bagging a brace at Tynecastle. For us success is a league title. Best if he would remain silent until he delivers another one of those.
    2 points
  14. You might think I've finally flipped but i go for Lundstam if he can be consistent he can be a main man
    2 points
  15. Lazieness lol. utter nonsense proven to be so by the facts.
    2 points
  16. As Kamara's second biggest critic 😉 I take my hat off to him for an outstanding performance last night. I hope for him and us it is the start of something special under Michael Beale.
    2 points
  17. The Morelos, Sakala partnership is getting better every game. Some team is going to get a spanking from us shorty. The Gers were good to a man last night.
    2 points
  18. Morelos. His partnership with Sakala is getting better every game.
    2 points
  19. Amazing to see Kamara finding his 20-21 form under Beale. I think something just wasn’t working in Gio’s system, and it’s maybe taken a bit of time for Beale to correct it. If he can continue like that he’ll be like a new signing.
    2 points
  20. They're new to the technology. They're incompetent at the best of times. They got the right decisions.
    2 points
  21. Worth noting that our pre-match pressers have now moved to 48 hours before games instead of the day before....
    1 point
  22. Okay Alfie prove it by claiming the number 9 for the rest of this season and into next,please.
    1 point
  23. They found some spare change down the back of the club sofa.
    1 point
  24. He's clearly not lazy but for some reason he is prone to dropping out of games for lengthy periods, which I find hard to understand. Last night was a classic - he was brilliant in the first half but largely anonymous after half time.
    1 point
  25. Agree, totally different from being labelled lazy.
    1 point
  26. Agree, the one thing that can't be aimed at him is laziness, he might look that way at times but it has more to do with his timing when picking his moment to nick the ball from an opponent which he does often.
    1 point
  27. Borna, always first to back up a team mate. He was taking a bit of abuse from those very fans whilst taking corners in the first half.
    1 point
  28. Barasic gets an extra mention for kicking the ball at the fan and then squaring up. I like that Borna!
    1 point
  29. sensational stuff last night and a lot of our very maligned players were excellent. Barasic, Tav and Kamara particularly. Davies superb as were lundstrum sakala and kent. Between Barasic and Kamara for me but Kamara was ridiculously good.
    1 point
  30. All of them! Best we have played for months. Could pick just about any of them and even McGregor had a big save from Mckay at 1-0 I am Kamara's biggest critic so credit where its due, he was everywhere last night and gets my vote
    1 point
  31. A good few to pick from. Morelos, Lundstram, Tillman, Goldson, Kent and Sakala all bossed the first half. Went for Kamara who in the last few games has found his true form again.
    1 point
  32. As Bill said I thought we were still a bit too open at times last night but can't really argue when we all want to see a high press. I did feel before the game that the centre midfielders and full backs would be important and all four had very good games by and large. I thought Tav seemed to be moving as well as I have seen him for a while.
    1 point
  33. Dammit! I picked Tillman, but meant to pick Kamaradona...
    1 point
  34. Morelos when on form is unplayable. He has shown that on many occasions. He's back to bullying defenders and scoring goal. Long may it continue.
    1 point
  35. Another defeat for Aberdeen tonight, how long until they sack their new manager? 😀 Saying that, just seen McCories sending off. One of the worst decisions you'll see.
    1 point
  36. I counted 3 times Hearts crossed from their right to a wide player lying deep at the far side of the box, who received the ball completely unchallenged, with Tavernier standing more than 10 yards away beside Goldson, facing the other way. His inability to adopt the required defensive position could/should have cost us 2 goals. That said, he did better in general tonight.
    1 point
  37. I ended up watching it on a stream. Glad I did too. 😀
    1 point
  38. Best performance of the season. I enjoyed watching Rangers for the first time in months.
    1 point
  39. It’s the licence fee funding which allows BBC PQ to employ whoever they want producing nonsense like Sportsound. Withdraw that & they’ll need to get funding from the real commercial world. Different ball game altogether
    1 point
  40. One set of rules for us, another set of rules for them. That’s how they do it. And BBC PQ will only change when the licence fee is scrapped
    1 point
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