Pragmatically speaking ...
I always thought that a sun-storm will ruin the sky satellite armada up there and consequently the game in England with its utterly inflated market and teams paying abnormal sums in fees and wages. Looks like it is not the Sun's corona that will do it though, with Burnley speaking about upcoming insolvency ... which is still a bit strange, given the money Sky et al pumped into these clubs. Probably the "downside" of paying inflated fees and wages for average players. Hence, while it may not end the cash bonanza down there for good, it might bring people to its senses. Might also mean that no-one there or anyone else will hand us 20-30m for Alfredo anytime soon.
Likewise, even though money might be tight, clubs could also look for ST renewals earlier than usual and bridge the gap somewhat.
Found it interesting that the EPL players refused evena 30 % pay-cut during the crisis ... even though you wonder what the individual players actually do or want. Not least when you see Alfredo handing money to charities et al.