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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/05/18 in all areas

  1. Uh oh looks like someones house of corrupt cards are in danger of falling down. I think a full judicial revue of everything that went on during our admin, the subsequent blood lust that lead to the 3 way agreement, illegal fines, bans and our monies that were stolen. The SFA has left themselves open to corruption charges, not to mention the old SPL and the clubs that shared in the fraudulent taking and misappropriation of our money.
    4 points
  2. If they want 3M for Goldson, make it 2M (+ 1M when he's played XX amount of games)
    4 points
  3. When SDM lost interest we ended up with no representation in Scottish football & the yahoos moved their placemen into positions of power. Whilst it’s good to see our chairman rounding on them I wouldn’t build up too much hope at the moment. This will be a long process getting rid off these people
    3 points
  4. For several years I have taken a keen interest in goings on at Auchenhowie, getting along to watch the youngsters whenever I can. Admittedly due to becoming a father, these opportunities are rare these days but I still like to keep up to date with goings on as best as I can. So when I hear the training centre getting tarred as a ‘Youth department that fails consistently’ that irks me to say the least. https://fourladshadadream.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/rangers-failing-academy-and-mark-allen/
    3 points
  5. RI still think there's a player in Ryan Hardie, somewhere.
    3 points
  6. I agree, but we'd be better focusing on the placemen in the SFA and the SPFL at the moment...A narrower focus on who these guys are and the links to a certain club...stuff that can't be airily denied and waffled about
    3 points
  7. King has called for a second independent investigation. https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/chairman-calls-for-second-independent-investigation/ Looks like the Club are finally showing some balls with these things. Long may it continue.
    3 points
  8. Well done Dave King. Those rat bastards have been hiding in plain sight for far too long.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. McGregor will be our number one and I can't see Wes being content as a back up. He'll be on his way because I'm pretty sure Championship clubs could match the wages we're paying him
    2 points
  11. The 'impact' part was not a debate regarding whether or not it was 'a great idea to post what is being posted elsewhere'. Rather, it was over the ridiculous notion that Gersnet was giving publicity oxygen to something that had that a thousandfold over without our involvement. Some of us do think - nice of you to tell us what we should do, though, especially as we've also just been told how and what to think by another poster. Some of us are too old and been around the block too often to dance, but thanks for letting us know that in an Admin controlled environment of a fans' football forum, Ian should carefully weigh up each and every one of the many items he goes out of his way to share with his fellow fans. For this, he has my thanks and gratitude and sympathies for the way in which this thread has turned out.
    2 points
  12. Edit by craig : Please see official site for full article. The club have asked us to not post the entirety of official site articles so the club gets the hits on the website
    2 points
  13. It was Neil Cameron of the Herald who posted that Private Eye clipping last summer. It's interesting that many of his media colleagues like to explore Scottish fitba regime change - unless it involves exposing or removing Rangers haters.
    2 points
  14. The attacks on the youth academy and Mark Allen are over the line. What is wrong him? Further evidence that the DR (as well as the BBC) have little interest in healing relations with Rangers and are enjoying having free reign to attack the club and anyone related to it. You’d never see anything vociferous like this written about any part of Celtic.
    2 points
  15. Also throw in the likes of young Gilmour moving to Chelsea, it takes more than talent to get into any first team, they have to push themselves as hard as they can. The Liverpool LB Robertson was rejected by the scum for being too wee!.
    2 points
  16. Rangers boss Steven Gerrard lines up Spanish training camp ahead of new campaign STEVEN GERRARD will put his Rangers squad through their paces at a training camp in Spain next month as he steps up his preparations for his first campaign in the dugout. The Liverpool legend officially starts work as Gers boss on Friday after agreeing a four-year deal with the Light Blues. Gerrard will be joined by assistant manager Gary McAllister. And the former Anfield heroes will waste little time in getting down to business as Rangers gear up for the Europa League qualifiers and the upcoming Premiership campaign. Gerrard’s side will spend ten days training at a camp from June 17-27. The 37-year-old has already added new recruits Scott Arfield and Allan McGregor to his group this summer. And more fresh faces could come on board before the Gers jet out to Andalusia next month. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/rangers/16254441.Rangers_boss_Steven_Gerrard_lines_up_Spanish_training_camp_ahead_of_new_campaign/
    2 points
  17. If there is quality there will be a pathway, eg. Ross McCrorie. It takes a special youngster to be able to handle all aspects of a step-up to the demands of the Rangers first-team and stay there. That's why over the years there are countless stories of promising youngsters that come to nothing or leave and have a career elsewhere. ie. First and foremost, we need to produce quality .
    2 points
  18. It's really quite sad when we constantly read supposedly senior football writers in Scotland fail to offer any sort of balance in they way they cover Rangers. By all means be critical but at least be fair and, above all, accurate. The Daily Record is a regular embarrassment and Keith Jackson really has taken this to a new level. Rangers is not a club without its failings. It's relationship with the media is a poor one and some of the criticism aimed at us in that regard has merit. Indeed, RFC fans are hardly glowing in praise of its PR work. However, some journalists are beyond objectivity when it comes to our club. It's worth adding that I'm not always convinced banning organisations and their reps from Ibrox is the best strategy but if and when it does happen, Rangers need to be completely clear in why that approach is chosen and maintained. If Jackson intends embarrassing us on a daily basis, then we should do the same where appropriate.
    2 points
  19. Too much of the time the team was 'playing' around a less than active Windass. We need consistent performers
    2 points
  20. The restored Tom Vallance painting was unveiled last night at the top of the Marble Staircase at Ibrox Stadium. We’d like to thank artist Helen Runciman, Club 1872 and Rangers Football Club for their assistance with this project.
    2 points
  21. With Russell Martin’s belated confirmation this morning that he has left Rangers, that now takes the official number of departures to three with more to follow. We expect that, like with Clint Hill, there will be no club announcement to wish anyone the best, and that departures will only become absolute once the player themselves has corroborated it. Currently the Jason Cummings situation looks bleak for the striker, with no information or progress pertaining to any deal being confirmed. He has returned to the City Ground with little hope of a future there, having already admitted he is not in favour and wants to leave. Forest, for their part, are securing a replacement as we speak. So while Nottingham are likely to let him go, it doesn’t appear that Steven Gerrard and Mark Allen are interested in making the deal permanent. Meanwhile Kenny Miller is gone – his deal technically expires on Friday, but there is no word of interest from the new management about offering him an extension, while a host of SPL clubs absolutely are interested in a fine free agent, including Hibernian whose manager Neil Lennon has made no secret of his admiration. Miller is certainly weighing up his options. The closest we got to confirmation was Josh Windass’ social media post mourning over the lack of proper send off. David Bates, as we know, left for Bundesliga 2 side Hamburg, leaving Rangers with just two senior defenders as things currently stand. But at least he got a club announcement!Sean Goss too found his time in Govan ending with a whimper and suffering gross mismanagement. But QPR were never wanting to sell.Youth player Jordan Thompson also headed off for pastures new – his contract, like Miller’s was not renewed so the midfielder is a free agent for anyone who fancies signing him up. Meanwhile Ryan Hardie is in the same boat – contract expires at the end of this week and no word on a new deal – we cannot see him retaining his shirt at the club.Lee Wallace is another whose future is uncertain at best and bleak at worst. Having consulted a specialist earlier this month, the prognosis for the club captain is not ideal – further surgery makes him harder to sell, due to his inability to pass a medical, while in the best case scenario he is fit for pre-season training but doesn’t have a club – Wallace has one year left on his deal and Rangers would likely sell if a buyer came in. The definitely gone:David Bates, Russell Martin, Sean Goss, Jordan Thompson, Kenny Miller.The almost definitely gone:Ryan Hardie, Jason Cummings.The unknowns:Lee Wallace.Expect further turnover in due course. http://www.ibroxnoise.co.uk/2018/05/a-whos-who-of-confirmed-and-not-so.html
    1 point
  22. Yes indeed but I suppose that's the place we find ourselves in right now with no games to talk about. I hate the close season. I'm hoping the activity picks up speed after Friday when Gerrard actually officially takes the role.
    1 point
  23. Looks like Rangers have a scientific breakthrough "HOW TO GROW BALLS"
    1 point
  24. While I do expect more the guessing game will no doubt become tedious.
    1 point
  25. The arguments for and against have been made and I'm going to lock it now so that we don't end up going round in circles. What I would say is that nobody is telling others what they can and can't do. All that is being offered are opinions. and people are free to continue to make posts like this until Admin say otherwise.
    1 point
  26. Wonder if this is what they were on about a few days ago?
    1 point
  27. Rumour going around about PSFs: Wigan and Bury at Ibrox, july 6 and 8th respectively. If true, not the most inspiring and probably won't tempt me to make the trip, but I suppose we need minutes before Europa League qualifiers, and top teams won't be back for pre season at that point. Hard to see both actually taking place at ibrox within two days of each other. Wigan maybe but Bury seems perhaps more suited to behind closed doors
    1 point
  28. Thank's Frankie, I didn't recall that off hand. Even those supposedly looking to challenge the SFA and it's governance, like SFM (Rangers Football Monitor) seem to ignore it. Funny that
    1 point
  29. He who pays the uilleann piper calls the tune.
    1 point
  30. For that proposeal in the article above, Don Agnelli might aswell be an online messageboard poster making a suggestion for CL reconstruction, he'd have the same chance of success.
    1 point
  31. The impact of a post on Gersnet is not really the issue. It's also not a great idea to do something just because so many other people are doing it too. We should think about what it is that we discuss. As it is we dance to the tune of our critics.
    1 point
  32. If you refer to CQN/Brennan, I think that was/is a very different animal.
    1 point
  33. I’ve heard big DJ defend us plenty of times on Clyde. I think some seem to expect him to shout down any and all criticism of Rangers no matter how justified it is. Any less than that then he’s apparently in dereliction of duty and his exploits as a player forever tarnished. I cant get my head around that at all.
    1 point
  34. He most certainly is worth a mention as a former Rangers player. Another one of these good honest pros that Souness had a habit of bringing in to fill a gap for a few months when we had injuries, who came in, done a smashing job, and went on his way again. We wouldnt have capitulated in the two OF games with a few players of the mindset of Neale Cooper in the team. I wish him all the best in his fight and hope he goes on to make a full recovery.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. On the 27th May 1856 the Rangers great that was Tom Vallance was born. To quote his Rangers team-mates from the 1870’s ‘’ The whole of Rangers loved him like a brother’’ Tom was born at a small farmhouse known as Succoth near Renton in the parish of Cardross. When young he moved with his family to the Old Toll House at Shandon on the Gareloch. Tom came to Glasgow in the early 1870’s following the path taken by his friends whom he’d known since childhood the brothers McNeil and Campbell . Tom Vallance had an astonishing 60 year association with the Club, and his is an incredible CV. He was a master oarsman, a champion athlete (he set a Scottish long jump record of over 21 feet), he studied at the Glasgow School of Art, had paintings accepted by the Royal Scottish Academy and was Rangers Club Captain and President for many years. We have recorded details of Tom Vallance being present at the ceremony held on 1st January 1929 which saw the opening of the Main Stand at Ibrox and also at a dinner which was held in the St.Enoch’s Hotel after a Rangers match in 1933 when we faced Sporting Club of Vienna. He was also a guest of the Club at the New Year’s Day fixture that season against Celtic. So, the lad who was present at Fleshers Haugh in 1872 was still attending Ibrox some 60 years later where the Club that he’d helped form and nurture were now playing in front of crowds in excess of 100,000. Tom was a very successful business man. He had The Club restaurant at 22 Paisley Road West which today is the Viceroy Bar, The Metropolitan which stood on Hutchison Street in the Merchant City area of Glasgow and the Lansdowne which was at 183 Hope Street. Tom was having the Rangers results wired to his restaurants for the benefit of his patrons as early as 1890. When Rangers moved to First Ibrox in 1887 it was said that it was common for Club President Vallance to be working the turnstiles on matchday. At the opening of the Main Stand in 1929 Tom Vallance recalled the facilities being so cramped at the Rangers ground at Kinning Park that the players would have to wash in basins of cold water in the open air. It was the teenage Tom Vallance who helped lay the very foundations upon which our Club was built, hard-work, discipline, honesty, integrity and fair play . Mr. Struth said during that famous speech “No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the Gallant Pioneers” Tom was paid the ultimate accolade by the Club in May 1898 when he was made a life member. As a lasting tribute to the incredible contribution he made to our Club we had Tom put on to canvas by way of a painting by artist Helen Runciman . Tom Vallance has now taken his rightful place at the top of the Marble Staircase alongside his friends and fellow Founders. Tom died on 16th February 1935 aged 78 at 189 Pitt Street Glasgow. He is buried in Hillfoot Cemetery in Bearsden and his funeral was attended by Mr. Struth, Chairman James Bowie and his old team-mate James McIntyre who both took a cord. Incredibly ,players from the Vale of Leven team whom Tom had faced 60 years earlier in 1877 were also in attendance. Tom was one of the originals, one of the greats. Today we celebrate the life of Tom Vallance.
    1 point
  37. Not sensitive at all my friend, I just hold some different views from you, which really isn't an issue, as The Rangers is a broad church of people who are allowed to think and act as an individual. Unlike some others...
    1 point
  38. I also think there is a bigger picture element to this. We need to look forward as a club and we cannot just rely on a "traditional" pool for our support in the years and decades ahead. I would find it staggering that on one hand we are looking to a global figure like Stevie Gerrard to move our club forward and then on the other hand we would be taking a myopic move by introducing an orange strip. I don't want to bring religion/politics into this but as far as I can see there is nothing positive about having any connection (albeit symbolic) with the OO. It's bewildering IMO.
    1 point
  39. I'm raging at this,.....there'll be no resale value.
    1 point
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