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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/01/18 in all areas

  1. Report it to the police and move on. I’m sick of hearing what the tarriers have to say. Much of our support are obsessed as they are.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I'm always sceptical about friendlies but beating the Brazilian champions 4-2 will do us no harm at all. Only the Scottish mhedia won't like it though
    2 points
  4. I read that we at least share the cup. It's just a friendly, but any trophy is pleasing.
    2 points
  5. Well you still haven't ??? Goss free kicks are superb. Pace and spin been a while since we've seen that.
    2 points
  6. Dalcio looks like a completely different player today
    2 points
  7. I’m tired of Rangers fans who sanctimoniously bend their knee to the campaign to destroy our club. Have some courage, sing it loud and proud.
    2 points
  8. I think part of the safe standing thing is that it's the same amount standing as there would be seats.
    2 points
  9. Does it not increase the capacity in 1=1.5.
    2 points
  10. I've noticed it's mainly yahoos who comment on our ...ahem... dodgy streams. I would never pollute my house with their matches (unless we're playing them, obviously). Weirdos.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Good to see Morelos get a couple. Some nice crosses too, which seems to have been a rarity for us recently.
    1 point
  13. Again - copyright Ra Sellik. The most famous co-winners ever.
    1 point
  14. I suppose that makes us unofficial world champions.
    1 point
  15. I did the exact same thing except it was Alves who I saw leading us out. ?
    1 point
  16. Nah, Dalcio is arguably too lightweight for Scottish football (and still behind too many players) but he did well today.
    1 point
  17. I was hunting Youtube after umpteen crashes and got onto one where the teams were just coming out the tunnel despite having already watched around 35 minutes. I saw Wallace leading us out. Then realised it was one of those daft computer football things.
    1 point
  18. No, comes down the goal difference to see who wins it but we are favourites.
    1 point
  19. It isn’t THAT Barca but no we don’t. We are now finished with this tournament. Every team plays two games. Winner of tournament decided based on league table format. we are top of the table with Corinthians, PSV and Mineiro - plus us - having played our two games. the remaining 4 teams have yet to play any of their two matches. If the next two games are draws we win the tournament.
    1 point
  20. Dalcio from one side and Niko the other. All corners were inswingers
    1 point
  21. Tavernier apart from his goal has had a nightmare of a tournament. He was definitely at fault for the second goal.
    1 point
  22. Very impressive second half there. Morelos must be on the radar of a few clubs.
    1 point
  23. Haha - good win that after conceding two poor goals. Second half was better than the first - similar in that we controlled the game but this time we took our chances with a few good finishes and deserved the win. Let's hope we can bring back the cup!
    1 point
  24. Tav was at fault for the second. He was looking right along the line and saw Cardoso step up. A step forward and Tav left them offside, especially as Wilson and John were ahead of the ball.
    1 point
  25. It's funny, I thought he did well enough until the opener and then was a bit loose but so was the rest of the team. I thought Tav should have held the line for the second goal so would blame him more as he can see across the line.
    1 point
  26. Poor from Tav there - he stepped back in when if he'd held his line the lad would have been offside...
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. My daughter tells me I can view on a tweaked firestick. She's away out though. Listen out for me blowing my telly up trying to get it to work.
    1 point
  29. Cheers Ian! weather is pleasant here and off to watch the bears!
    1 point
  30. The law in Scotland prevents Rangers fans singing TBB anywhere in the world apparantly.
    1 point
  31. That's my understanding too.
    1 point
  32. West Brom striker Tyler Roberts close to agreeing cut-price summer move to Rangers Roberts becomes a free agent in the summer and can pen a pre-contract with a club outside England who will only have to shell out £300,000 compensation WEST BROM kid Tyler Roberts is close to agreeing a switch to Rangers. The Scottish giants initially made contact with the Baggies last month about taking the forward on loan. Roberts is out of contract at the end of the season and Rangers can take him north of the border for a set compensation fee of just £300,000. The teenager has a big decision to make about the next crucial step in his career. Gers boss Greame Murty has seen a chance of making Roberts a permanent fixture at Ibrox next season by landing one of the brightest prospects in the Football League. Roberts, 19, is on loan at nearby Walsall in League One until the end of the month and has bagged five goals. His performances have caught the eye of a host of Championship clubs as well as French giants Marseille. The Baggies are desperate to tie Roberts down to a new long-term deal, but their failure to do so has opened the door for other potential suitors to snap him up. The Wales Under-21 star will be closley monitored by new boss Alan Pardew alongside First-team coach Darren Moore who knows Roberts well from his time working in the academy. To underline his potential, former Wales boss Chris Coleman put Roberts on stand-by for World Cup qualifier against the Republic of Ireland last year. Sun
    1 point
  33. Entirely up to you if you want to fund people who treat our club and the support like slime.
    1 point
  34. An example of the garbage this clown spews out on the CSA forum - " Clancy is one of those referees that you know is going to be useless before the match kicks off, and I believe most of the ones in Scotland are the same, and I certainly don’t believe that’s down to an honest inability to referee at the top level, or indeed at any level.I think all Celtic Supporters know what we will get from Bobby Madden on Saturday, when we play his favourite team in the League for the fifth time in their short existence. Only in Scotland would an ex-season ticket holder of one club be allowed to officiate at their matches.Madden will most certainly favour Sevco over Celtic, and he won’t have to be bribed to do so, he will do it because of his inbred hatred of anything to do with Celtic Football Club. That clown Regan and the rest of the Brethren at the SFA should be hanging their heads in shame because of their indifference to the “BLATANT CHEATING”. I think I must have missed all those decisions Madden made in our favour during the last match against the manks.
    1 point
  35. I was reading the deluded tramp beggar liar JJ's blog for today there. Apart from it being a lengthy copy and paste job from articles by Gary Ralston and Ill Phil 4 names the lies just keep spewing from the demented cretin - " Things are so tight that the players had to buy their own bucket shop economy airfare tickets to Florida as RIFC have been cut off by their appointed travel agent. I believe the agent is still awaiting payment for a number of business class trips from Johannesburg. " They are worried. All of them. King scares them and a blind man could see there's an organised campaign among the mank bloggers to drive a wedge between our board and support. Oh, and I hear the tramp beggar liar is so worried about his impending execution by loyalist terrorists that he returned back to the UK from his safe cave in Peru to visit his family in the Inverclyde area very recently. There are obviously no Prods in Greenock now.
    1 point
  36. The survey only asks that those in favour of moving to such a section give their details. Other members get no say, even although it’s our money that may be used for this idea. Read elsewhere that the UB have only 50 members, why is Club1872 even talking about this? How many disabled fans do we have ?
    1 point
  37. Totally agree here GS. I also agree with Pete comments too. It should also be noted that anyone who is standing at the moment is effectively breaking health and safety (I have explained this before). It’s not safe with all the seats in the area. Safe Standing provides an environment rich in atmosphere. Also without the risks associated with rigid plastic seating whilst people stand and bounce. I know there are other priorities too (FS and his proposals top of the list imo) but this seems fine to me. I won’t be standing there (done my bit years ago) but for those that do, good luck to them.
    1 point
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