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  1. Probably left behind with a hammer and nails to get the Copland sorted.
    8 points
  2. The Kabadayi one is a prime example of the nonsense spouted by the mhedia. Without a shred of evidence that we were really interested in buying this guy, no confirmation from selling club of a bid, nothing from our side either, just all made up and speculation, then when they are all proven wrong and the player joins a different club, they lead with "Rangers miss out on..." instead of we were wrong.
    8 points
  3. I think some are maybe getting a bit carried away. The lad has barely played a full season, looks half decent but no more. If Tav goes, I'd hope someone with more (winning) experience is around to take the armband.
    8 points
  4. Rumours of an issue regarding the steel have been doing the rounds for weeks. Today I took part in a meeting at Ibrox via Teams and was told that "everything was on schedule", the meeting ended at 1pm, 2pm statement released confirming delay. We are an omnishambles.
    8 points
  5. As for Kenny McLean, as long as the deal is a reasonable one, then it makes sense. He's Scottish, brought up a Rangers fan and was the top performing midfielder in the Championship last season. If we're wanting to move on the likes of Goldson and Tav then McLean would arguably be our next captain and provide some much needed experience to what will almost certainly be a much younger squad.
    7 points
  6. Have been away on holiday so always good to come home to positive news. Can't wait to attend Hampden next month and get some great views from a mile behind the goal...
    5 points
  7. Excerpt from article in The Daily Record: Philippe Clement admits he’ll have to offload some of his first-team stars before he can press ahead with his Rangers rebuild, writes Andy Newport in Venlo. The Belgian boss has so far brought in five new faces this summer. But he knows a lot more are needed if his side are to mount a credible title bid and fulfil their Champions League ambitions. Further additions, however, are dependent on the club raising funds through sales. “That’s the reality,” he confessed. “That’s the reality that the board told me a few months ago. I know this, the recruitment team knows this also. This is the reality of the club. I had other expectations when I came in in October, I have to say. But I know the reality now. I am very motivated to build the club and help in that.” ---------------- That sounds ominous to me. He is more or less calling the board out for misleading him. Omnishambles + Ominous = ??
    5 points
  8. He's hardly likely to tell the interviewer he can't wait to get rid of them. I'd imagine he'd love to completely transform the squad during this window and the 'Rome' comments are merely to placate and lower the expectations of the support. Managers and players have to lie to the press, it's all part of the job.
    5 points
  9. I am hoping he will be a Scott Arfield type signing?
    5 points
  10. I have it on the authority of my mate's grandson's pal, who is at Ibrox tonight for a family dinner, or something, that there is a player on the pitch with photographers, and suits. The player is wearing a strip with No 8 on it. The lad thinks that it is Kabadayi, from the pictures he has seen on line. If there are any Tory MPs, researchers, spads, etc checking this thread.....now might be the time to get a bet on.
    5 points
  11. Don't think supporters are taking anything for granted, given the general situation. The main thing is the relevant people are getting it sorted (not having faith in that would be understandable). I would suggest flipping any home league fixtures to away venues (if opponents agree) and finding a suitable venue for CL qualifiers (Murrayfield seems the best option, if it's possible) would be the way to go (similar to what Hearts did a few years ago).
    5 points
  12. Welcome to The Famous Connor Barron. Go make yourself a superstar.
    5 points
  13. Also no tattoos seemingly, which I like. Idk if that's an old da shout or what but.
    5 points
  14. Why are we importing materials from Asia they will be like everything else from that part of the world crap second rate materials if it’s metal then there’s a steel stockholders just along the road Asia for materials my arse sounds like a cowboy project.
    5 points
  15. I would like us to (re)sign Gregor Stevens. Now I know Gregor must be pushing 68-69, he was a couple of years ahead of me at Fir Park Boys Club during the mid seventies. He was a tough tackling, ball winning, no nonsense Centre half who when time allowed, got his head up and played passes. Gregor was never far away from red mist syndrome, even in training. This effecting his timing and to compensate he utilised both feet, studs up in his frequent red mist tackles. Gregor hit you, you stayed tackled for about a month. The reason I think Gregor would be a worthy signing is that Scottish Referees are okay with players exhibiting red mist syndrome and, fellow professionals queue up to parrot, "he's NOT that type of player". I witnessed Ryan Porteous being red carded on three separate occasions in games against Rangers, three less than he deserved. Fellow professionals and pundits(particularly at BBC Scotland) chorussed, "he's NOT that type of player". As long as Gregor is not awarded a Scottish international cap and the red mist strikes. I note Callum McGregor has exonerated Ryan's challenge against Germany, "what else could he do"? I think the time has arrived for Gregor and his particular red mistism. We are more tolerant of all folks these days, especially if you have an 'ism'. Give Gregor the gig.
    5 points
  16. Just back from Leipzig* ... First, big thanks to @Rousseau for setting this up and keeping it running. Could have been anyone in the top 4, yet, brain beat the heart (well, mainly because of some England sort-of-mad friends), as the Spanish, if they wanted to play (which they did in the 2nd half) were better in every department bar the goalie perhaps ... when playing as a team. Their pacey one-touch stuff through packed defences was dangerous throughout the tournament, while England far too much relied on individual class and set pieces to get on the scoresheet. I was pretty stunned to be up there at the top of the table after the first round of games ... and actually started to think more than I should about choosing the scores (which is usually my undoing) from then on. Still, most were gut feelings rather than brain and I would have been totally content with the "God-King of Guessing Correct Scores" title ... but hey, for once Fortune* smiled. *There was the VAR bunker of UEFA and I needed to apply only little pressure on the guys there to rule the late Spanish winner on-side and "correct" the video accordingly. ( @WorthingBear91 money via Paypal to the usual address)
    4 points
  17. well done @der Berliner and thanks @Rousseau for organising
    4 points
  18. The Winner of the Gersnet EURO 2024 Prediction League: @der Berliner
    4 points
  19. Really? Wow.... I don't think I go far enough. No stadium yet to play our home games in. If it is Hampden we have clashes with QP which will mean Friday night or Sunday games (inconvenience for fans). Wel'll have to play all our crucial CL qualifiers at what is a "neutral' venue (huge income implications). We can't improve our squad unless we sell our best players (plus Lammers). Our wage bill is £2M more than Atalanta who finished 4th in Italy and won a European compition. We are miles behind (on and off the pitch) our main domestic rivals. I really can't see anything to be positive about. Maybe someone can point it out to me?
    4 points
  20. You know you're in too deep when you start getting the jitters for a pre season game in the Netherlands.
    4 points
  21. I think this is just common sense that many of us have posted on this very forum over the past years.
    4 points
  22. Highly unsatisfactory. From the Minute: “The club finished by stating that the project was a piece that was ever moving but the club are on top of that.” What waffle. They should have said there was a problem with materials supply outwith their control which might resolve itself but in the meantime contingency plans were in hand. Simples.
    4 points
  23. I'm positive about our current playing staff, it's early yet but we've signed a lot of potential, just need a few more experienced players and we'll be in a decent position. I'm sure we'll see some of the dead wood moved on, nothing much happens with this til late on in the window every year. We also have a manager who has earned the right to build a squad and a playing style, that I'm sure will bring success. We need to trust in someone, and get into a position where we're strengthening every year by adding 2 or 3, not having a clearout every time. In terms of the stadium delays, it's not great, but show me any big infrastructure project that's on time. It doesn't happen, and it's nothing to do with low quality steel, the supply chain for materials is an absolute nightmare these days, there's a huge shortage of good project Engineers and Managers too. The situations lies firmly at the feet of previous boards, who let the stadium maintenance drift. I'm an optimist, partly by choice, as it's a nicer world to live in. Yes it means I get disappointed a lot more than a pessimist, but I bounce back quickly. Mon the Rangers.
    4 points
  24. This really is a poor tournament from an entertainment perspective. Hoping for a Spain v Netherlands final. There might be a goal scored. If it's France v England, get you house on a goalless and soulless draw.
    4 points
  25. I seen the article proclaiming the departure of the latest incumbant and my first thought was there will be a new 26th post in the PQ thread coming soon!! Like you and no doubt most who observe this thread, I have absolutely no doubt that the incoming replacement will almost certainly be of Irish descent, with Timmy leanings. No other candidates will be considered worthy, and Rangers supporters will see no change in coverage or balance.
    4 points
  26. Steve is Joe the Toff. BBC Scotland's Heid Bummer, Steve Carson has announced he is stepping down and is off to pastures new in Dublin. The Irishman has spent 11 years at Pacific Quay, the last four as Director. He prefers the role of RTE's Director of Video which I am sure will please his wife, Miriam O'Callaghan who shuttles between the BBC(London) and RTE(Dublin). Steve highlights the professionalism of the PQ team and reminds us he commissioned the productions of Guilt and Rebus. Steve mentions the launch of BBC Scotland's satellite channel but omits the cancelation of it's flagship show, 'the Nine' because no one was viewing. Anyways, Steve is off to Dublin in a dream, in a dream and, BBC Scotland announced, "the search for Steve's successor starts immediately". The front runners are good friends of the show : Kevin McKenna, Chris McLaughlin, Angela Haggerty, Gerry Braiden, .................... When Peter decides, he will tell ra Sellik State of Mind and, Paul John Dykes will tell Claire Kelly. we, the License Fee payers will find out the successor when RAB Cosgrove utters, 'I know him/her well and I like him/her a lot'.
    4 points
  27. When you've got a match at 14:00, but a bakery shift at 17:00:
    4 points
  28. Or maybe, "I don't know anything about the club and the Scottish league is a joke but Rangers offered me the most money!".
    4 points
  29. Would you prefer if they said," I wasn't really sure about coming here but my agent thought it would be good."
    4 points
  30. I'm hearing Kenny McLean is a done deal. No other details on it though.
    4 points
  31. Leaders of the Gang. Come on, come on - do you wanna be in my gang, I'm the Leader, the leader of the gang I am. An exercise in taking a steaming turd and rolling it in Glitter. Let me explain. That was the Euros that was particularly for the Scottish national team. There appears to have been a deliberate coordinated move to provide leadership to the collection of Brigadoon refugees we all know and love as, 'the Tartan Army'. Senior PQ Producers and Gang Hut Leaders-Aff, Claire Kelly and Eamon Donoghue started with Chris McLaughlin on his four day recce to Germany, telling the foot soldiers what to expect in Munich, Cologne and, Stuttgart. To ensure the tartan terrors remained Sellik minded, each of the ten nights PQ broadcast, 'Late Night at the Euros with Martin Compston'. Singalong with Martin had Susie McCabe on as a guest twice, it is ra Sellik Way. The reason I say coordinated is because of the article penned by Herald Journo and current favoured recipient of Peter Relief, Graeme McGarry. Now, the latest incumbent of convenient useful idiocy is a claret and amber diehard but, is often chosen to initially present tricky Sellik minded thoughts. The article was entitled, 'Is Politics turning Rangers fans off the National Team'? This appeared a few days before the Germany game, it noted the declining presence of Rangers supporters within the Tartan Army. Reasons given were the SNP politicisation of the TA and the booing of three-four Rangers players representing their country in the last dozen years. Of course, simplistic nonsense but, it is true in that the Rangers support has become more disinterested in the fortunes of the national team. We can all add our tuppence worth and the two mentioned are part of the problem; however, reference politicisation there was a poll published in Nutmeg I think in the immediate aftermath of the 2014 independence referendum. It surveyed all 42 Scots football clubs and found the club with the single biggest Yes vote among it's support at 41% was Rangers. I was not surprised because providing leadership to the Rangers support is more difficult than herding cats. Rangers supporters think for themselves. The article was lazy but Sellik nature hates a vacuum and there was a rush to provide the necessary. BBC Five Live provided Connie McLaughlin, Pat Nevin, Chris Iwelumo and, Shebahn Aherne. The Herald gave us Gabriel McKay and PLZ Soccer nominated Hugh MacDonald. The Record has remained consistent with it's much warranted comedic credentials by presenting Michael Gannon as Commander of the Home Battalion of the Tartan Army, ............ The collective balaclava has been discarded and an ill fitting cock feathered adorned Tam-O-Shanter has been squeezed on to ra Yahoo beelin' heids, we will be hearing more renditions of, 'Lizzies in a box'. The responsibility of reporting on the team became more difficult when ra core of the team ie Andy Robertson, Kieran Tierney, Scott McTominey, Callum McGregor, James Forrest, Tony Ralston, John McGinn, ............ suffered injury, lost form, disappeared and, played wayward passes. Truth hurts and the roaring arse of a Yahoo Daftie, James Dornan MSP comes out swinging. He blames BBC Scotland for uber criticism of Sellik players particularly singling out Neil McCann. Apparently Neil was raging every time Tony Ralston touched the ball. The one Dornan utterance we can all agree on is, "Liam McLeod is an absolute disgrace". I urge the national broadcaster to give Martin Compston the microphone for a much longer time, Singalong with Martin has legs. Come, come on ........
    4 points
  32. He comes across as very mature, well spoken and down to earth. Future captain material whether that be at Rangers or elsewhere. Good luck to Connor, I hope he's very successful with us.
    4 points
  33. I think it looks even worse. The players look defeated before a ball is even kicked.
    4 points
  34. The man with no name (or squad number) apparently 🤔
    4 points
  35. B-teams in the league structure, like Spain, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands.
    4 points
  36. Bang on. The random computer is consistent. Off the top my head, the last time it wasn't was when we won the title.
    4 points
  37. You've obviously never been to @Scott7 's house.
    4 points
  38. Just play the entire season behind closed doors - worked a treat during covid. #56letsgo!
    4 points
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