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  1. Past hour
  2. V. Černý scored one assist for the Czechs against Gibraltar. Yes, it’s Gibraltar, but it had me thinking. With this takeover happening pretty rapidly and all eyes on Černý, it looks, from my perspective, that we are going to see a classic case of Malik Tillman here, even if we do have the funds to purchase him. What guarantees did we have in place prior to his arrival from his club, and was there a set price we would need to pay if he wants to stay with us and agrees to a contract?
  3. Yesterday
  4. Agreed, but this sorry episode and others could have been avoided if the board had acted a lot earlier, instead the club gave these moron free range to do what they liked. Better late than never I suppose.
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  27. It is long overdue that the club is taking action on the morons of the UB's who carry out these actions,although it will oviously dampen the atmosphere at games they should be disbanded by the club.
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