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  2. STAUNCH! Well, it has been just over a month since doleful Phil departed the Stadium and the interim management team of Barry, Neil, Billy and, Allan were appointed. There has been six games, four league fixtures against Killie(a), Motherwell(h), Sellik(a) and Dundee(a). A last sixteen Euro tie against Fenerbache was squeezed in between. There has also been a week long international break; thus, an unforgivingly hectic schedule. Time for rumination has been utilised for the higher priority of grabbing breaths. Inhalation over PQ way is more difficult, the collective airways are constantly blocked by bubbling hilarity. Over these last few years, I have provided dozens of examples of why BBC Scotland should be considered a Sellik state of mind. Where the ACSOM podcast leads, Pacific Quay is sure to follow. The kd lang tribute act and ACSOM main presenter, Paul John Dykes told his viewers, "Barry Ferguson does not have a brain, his team is all about spirit, spit and sawdust". An on screen contributor chipped in with, "Barry is being helped by a couple of BBC Scotland's staunchest pundits". STAUNCH became the defining word. Right across their football content, there was a compulsion at PQ to describe the appointments as STAUNCH. We are talking Sportsound, Sportscene, Off the Ball, A View from the Terrace, .............., etc. Wullie Miller, Chris McLaughlin, Tom English, Stephen Thomson, Stephen McGinn, the diversity twins RAB and Tam, Craig Telfer, Craig Fowler, ......... etc all uttered the word. Some mixed in the unappetising relish of jokes that implied 'thick with it too'. To reinforce the message, the mental imagery was related, the brown brogues on the marble staircase and Barry driving through the Auchenhowie gates in an orange Ford Ranger. It was a STAUNCH sniggerfest. We are all products of our conditioning and fifty-sixty years past in both Primary and Secondary school playgrounds, we told Pat and Mick jokes. You know Pat and Mick decide to take up fishing but quickly realise the cost of clothing and equipment could be prohibitive. Thus, Pat tells Mick to hold him over the bridge by his ankles. When he has his hands on a fish he will shout 'haul' and Mick pulls him up. After an hour, Pat hollers 'haul'. Mick asks, you've caught a fish to which Pat replies, 'naw, there's a train coming'. During senior school and University, we were told these jokes were unacceptable. The Irish are an erudite people, relating jokes confirming a lack of education was a device allowing easy and lazy hatred. RAB Cosgrove has an easy and lazy get out when he feels discomfort, he refers to, "cheeky football rivalry". Can he fit in the following jokes told on BBC Scotland in the last month to that three word phrase? Barry enters a restaurant with EBT Team and is presented with a menu. He tells the waiter, 'we will have the Pageone'. The waiter informs him that he is reading Page One of the menu. Barry approaches the counter and orders, 'a fish supper and a can of coke'. Lady behind the counter replies, 'Ah think you've got the wrong place, this is a Library'. Barry thinks and leans in to whisper, 'a fish supper and a can of coke'. Barry appeared on Countdown alongside Ian Ferguson and it was the only time the show concluded in a nil-nil draw. Barry has to be portrayed as both staunch and thick because it makes him easier to hate. The facts are unhelpful, he married his RC childhood sweetheart, their children were baptised in that faith and, initially their children attended denominational schools. The Establishment broadcaster ignores the facts and continues to pump out the staunch and thick line because they want to be seen as strict adherents to the narrative demanded by the Establishment club. Now, that is staunch.
  3. Woke means overly sensitive. I.e people are shooting down anyone against those types of things as fascist/racist. When really, it's a normal thing to oppose. Overly sensitive woke types allow these foreign ideologies in 👍🏻
  4. I think it is more that the hard of thinking coalesce around a particular ideology, because they struggle to think for themselves and cannot reason why anyone would challenge them or their faulty worldview.
  5. 'Woke' seems to be basically used to describe anything that the hard of thinking don't really like.
  6. Nobody else describes these things as woke. I think this is, staunch U.E.F.A. men aside, why many are confused by the banner.
  7. You've looked at it and read it as we shouldn't play in UEFA competitions, that's incorrect. Look at it properly you'll see my point was we shouldn't have done it in UEFA competition 👍🏻
  8. I'm not sure how to phrase this diplomatically. I'll just leave it.
  9. Not sure what I've read wrong, but there's certainly enough dubiety about the meaning of the banner that makes it easy for UEFA to claim that it's discriminatory. You've got your interpretation of it, others have theirs and UEFA have theirs. Who is to say which one is correct? If we're spending our time arguing about the meaning then the argument with UEFA is already lost. It's a badly written banner and it's left the club open to be punished.
  10. You've read that wrong entirely, try again.
  11. If the opposition's tactics change reaction is needed also if playing below par.
  12. I go to Ibrox to watch football! not to hve political shit rammed down my throat.If they want to show their feelings go elsewhere and don't leave the chance of stand closures.
  13. You said "Basically anything incompatible with Western cultures" so presumably it discriminates against non-Western cultures. You may or may not agree, but there's certainly an argument to suggest that it does. There's enough dubiety about the (poorly written) banner that it makes it very difficult to argue otherwise. If you don't think Ranger should be taking part in UEFA competitions then fine, stay away from these games. It's your choice. Probably not, which makes the displaying of the banner even more stupid. Why show it in a game when the club is going to get punished?
  14. When I started going to football there were huge crowd’s mostly men who made their living woking with their hands and many of them straight from the yard or the factory for a 2pm kickoff. There was constant hubbub augmented by cheers and counter cheers, shouts of abuse, bad language of the worst kind though not chanted in unison and rarely within earshot of a woman, fights, blokes passing out, general disorder and angry demos at the front door (until five o’clock when the pubs opened) What there was not, was any suggestion of politics other than the superficial loyalist/rebel stuff. Political and general social statements are a foreign invention, recently imported, latched onto by the usual suspects and sadly copied by UBs. Rangers are not restricting free speech. Only what people say or do within the curtilage of the stadium.
  15. They said racist/discriminatory. Which it was neither. It doesn't discriminate based on any groups or protected minorities, and it doesn't racially go against any groups. I'll say that perhaps we shouldn't play these games with UEFA's ball effectively, but if that banner had gone up in a domestic game, is anyone batting an eyelid?
  16. It's not Rangers supporters who want to enforce it. It's UEFA who are enforcing it. The supporters just don't want us punished by UEFA, which could lead to them being banned from certain matches. I'm not sure what the relevance of working or middle class is to whether you don't want your club punished, when it doesn't have to be.
  17. UEFA didn't say it was racist specifically, but a club either abides by the rules and their rulings or they don't take part in their competitions. It was clearly discriminatory, if your own interpretation of the banner is correct. If people want to do fight against UEFA then go ahead, but it'll fail, and fans shouldn't be selfish to use the club for their own individual ideologies when it's clearly going to result in punishment and threaten the attendances of other fans at future games. I don't see the relevance. Just because something isn't criminal doesn't mean it's acceptable to UEFA. We, as a club, aren't going to win any fights against UEFA. We're not from a big league and don't have any influence.
  18. Gareth Southgate, ex England Manager
  19. UEFA dictating what is racist or not, is another shadowy realm that ought to be investigated and fought against tbh. Police Scotland even said there was nothing criminal about the banner our fans displayed. Wasn't that when UEFA was pushing the BLM message and trying to tell us the poppy was banned.
  20. I don't think it matters whether fans agree or disagree with the banner. Either way, it was still extremely stupid to have at it a UEFA game.
  21. Defend Europe from woke foreign ideologies that have no place within our civilisations, i.e Sharia Courts, first cousin marriages, underage marriages, gender ideology etc. Basically anything incompatible with Western cultures.
  22. I don't even know what the banner meant.
  23. The most important thing, surely, is Barry Ferguson's opinion of 'The Banner'
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